International Business Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions by emerging market firms: A comparative investigation2015/02/01English182
Completion of Chinese overseas acquisitions: Institutional perspectives and evidence2011/04/01English178
Trade promotion and SME export performance2006/06/01English177
Network ties in the international opportunity recognition of family SMEs2011/08/01English171
Changing Chinese values: Keeping up with paradoxes2008/04/01English171
Entrepreneurs' relationships for internationalization: functions, origins and strategies2005/04/01English171
Knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation: Role of knowledge management capability in France-based multinationals2018/06/01English170
Knowledge transfer and cross-border acquisition performance: The impact of cultural distance and employee retention2016/02/01English164
The moderating effect of institutional context on the relationship between associational activity and new business activity in emerging economies2010/02/01English162
Organizing for knowledge flows within MNCs1994/12/01English162
Sustainable supply chain management in “Base of the Pyramid” food projects—A path to triple bottom line approaches for multinationals?2013/10/01English162
Managing global megaprojects: Complexity and risk management2013/12/01English162
The outcome set of relationship marketing in consumer markets1995/01/01English161
A contingency model of the association between strategy, environmental uncertainty and performance measurement: impact on organizational performance2004/08/01English161
Centralization and autonomy: back to the future2004/04/01English159
Foreign market entry mode choice of small and medium-sized enterprises: A systematic review and future research agenda2014/12/01English158
Corruption in international business: A review and research agenda2020/08/01English158
Five decades of research on export barriers: Review and future directions2018/12/01English156
Knowledge acquisition for the internationalization of the smaller firm: Content and sources2012/08/01English156
Experience, age and exporting performance in UK SMEs2016/08/01English155
Current paradigms in the international management field: An author co-citation analysis2005/10/01English151
Born globals: how to reach new business space rapidly2004/10/01English150
Institutional, cultural and industry related determinants of ownership choices in emerging market FDI acquisitions2014/10/01English149
Internationalization of knowledge-intensive SMEs: The role of network relationships in the entry to a psychically distant market2009/02/01English148
Exploring the role of knowledge management practices on exports: A dynamic capabilities view2014/02/01English148
Innovation capacity, international experience and export performance of SMEs in Brazil2016/08/01English147
Innovation and internationalization as growth strategies: The role of technological capabilities and appropriability2011/10/01English147
Outward foreign direct investment and domestic innovation performance: Evidence from China2016/10/01English146
Impact of TQM and organizational learning on innovation performance in the high-tech industry2011/04/01English145
The effects of trust and shared vision on inward knowledge transfer in subsidiaries’ intra- and inter-organizational relationships2005/02/01English145