International Journal of Adolescence and Youth

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Three Strikes and They're Out: African American Boys and American Schools' Responses to Misbehavior1997/01/01English37
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Financial Distress and Feelings of Psychological Well-being in New Zealand University Students1998/01/01English36
Prosocial behavioural tendencies and orientation towards individualism–collectivism of Greek young adults2014/03/27English36
The teacher–student relationship and adolescents’ sense of school belonging2019/09/02English36
Parent–child communication and adolescents' problem-solving strategies in hypothetical bullying situations2014/03/19English35
Bullying: Health Concerns of Australian Secondary School Students1995/01/01English35
Mindfulness, stress coping and everyday resilience among emerging youth in a university setting: a mixed methods approach2016/05/16English35
Child–parent agreement on health-related quality of life in children with newly diagnosed chronic health conditions: a longitudinal study2017/03/08English34
Assessment of Children's Physical Self-Perceptions1993/01/01English34
Gender and age differences in life satisfaction within a sex-segregated society: sampling youth in Qatar2013/10/25English32
Perceived parent–child communication and well-being among Ethiopian adolescents2017/03/16English32
South African, urban youth narratives: resilience within community2013/05/30English31
Family and school social capital, school burnout and academic achievement: a multilevel longitudinal analysis among Finnish pupils2017/10/15English31
The impact of parental, peer and school attachment on the psychological well-being of early adolescents in Thailand2017/05/25English30
Gender attitudes and violence among urban adolescent boys in India2012/08/30English29
Evaluating a vocational training programme for women refugees at the Zaatari camp in Jordan: women empowerment: a journey and not an output2015/09/22English28
Relationships between body weight perception, body mass index, physical activity, and food choices in Southern California male and female adolescents2019/05/15English28
Disordered eating and media exposure among adolescent girls: the role of parental involvement and sense of empowerment2015/03/13English28
Exploring the Validity of the Internet Addiction Test for Students in Grades 5–9 in Hong Kong2007/01/01English28
Ethnic Self-Identification and Psychological Well-Being among Minority Youth in the Netherlands1994/01/01English28
Exploring the conceptualization and research of empowerment in the field of youth2016/07/19English27
Guarded transitions? Youth trajectories and school-to-work transition policies in Sweden2014/01/22English27
The mediating role of career decision self-efficacy on the relationship of career emotional intelligence and self-esteem with career adaptability among university students2021/01/01English26
The intersection of menstruation, school and family: Experiences of girls growing up in urban cities in the U.S.A2021/01/01English26
Using Anderson’s model of health service utilization to examine use of services by adolescent girls in south-eastern Nigeria2016/02/22English26
A review of research on cyber-bullying in Greece2013/04/19English26
Engaging the youth in Kenya: empowerment, education, and employment2012/12/01English26
School effectiveness and truancy: a multilevel study of upper secondary schools in Stockholm2018/08/09English26
Coping strategies of adolescents with deviant behaviour2014/01/31English25
Constructing future expectations in adolescence: relation to individual characteristics and ecological assets in family and friends2016/10/25English25