An equilibrium existence theorem without complete or transitive preferences | 1974/12/01 | English | 103 |
Ambiguity through confidence functions | 2009/09/01 | English | 96 |
On the multi-utility representation of preference relations | 2011/08/01 | English | 95 |
Ambiguous volatility, possibility and utility in continuous time | 2014/01/01 | English | 95 |
Intermediate preferences and stable coalition structures | 1994/01/01 | English | 92 |
An equivalence theorem for a bargaining set | 1989/01/01 | English | 91 |
Sectoral bubbles, misallocation, and endogenous growth | 2014/08/01 | English | 91 |
Rumours and markets | 2005/09/01 | English | 89 |
The central assignment game and the assignment markets | 1982/09/01 | English | 88 |
Exchange equilibrium and coalitions | 1974/03/01 | English | 83 |
Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain | 2008/12/01 | English | 83 |
Equilibria in financial markets with heterogeneous agents: a probabilistic perspective | 2005/02/01 | English | 78 |
Concavifiability and constructions of concave utility functions | 1977/03/01 | English | 77 |
The revelation of information in strategic market games | 1987/01/01 | English | 74 |
Equilibria in markets with a Riesz space of commodities | 1983/04/01 | English | 73 |
The non-cooperative equilibria of a trading economy with complete markets and consistent prices | 1989/01/01 | English | 73 |
Expected utility with purely subjective non-additive probabilities | 1987/01/01 | English | 73 |
Ordering infinite utility streams comes at the cost of a non-Ramsey set | 2010/01/01 | English | 73 |
PDE solutions of stochastic differential utility | 1992/01/01 | English | 72 |
Public and private learning from prices, strategic substitutability and complementarity, and equilibrium multiplicity | 2011/05/01 | English | 72 |
Introduction to economic theory of bubbles | 2014/08/01 | English | 69 |
Continuous subjective expected utility with non-additive probabilities | 1989/01/01 | English | 68 |
Infectious diseases and economic growth | 2014/01/01 | English | 67 |
Stable many-to-many matchings with contracts | 2009/07/01 | English | 66 |
Symmetric equilibrium strategies in game theoretic real option models | 2012/08/01 | English | 65 |
Increasing outer risk | 2005/11/01 | English | 65 |
An axiomatization of the core of cooperative games without side payments | 1985/01/01 | English | 65 |
Existence of equilibria when firms follow bounded losses pricing rules | 1988/01/01 | English | 63 |
Sensitivity analysis of multisector optimal economic dynamics | 1996/01/01 | English | 61 |
Special functions for the study of economic dynamics: The case of the Lucas-Uzawa model | 2008/01/01 | English | 60 |