Designing a Multivariate EWMA Control Chart | 1997/01/01 | English | 152 |
Double Sampling X̅ Charts | 1992/04/01 | English | 151 |
A Review of Methods for Measurement Systems Capability Analysis | 2003/10/01 | English | 150 |
EWMA Control Charts with Time-Varying Control Limits and Fast Initial Response | 1999/01/01 | English | 148 |
A Comparison of Multivariate Control Charts for Individual Observations | 1996/10/01 | English | 147 |
A Practical Approach for Interpreting Multivariate T2 Control Chart Signals | 1997/10/01 | English | 146 |
The Burr XII Distribution in Reliability Analysis | 1998/10/01 | English | 145 |
Stability and Sensitivity of an EWMA Controller | 1993/10/01 | English | 143 |
Robustness to Non-Normality of the Multivariate EWMA Control Chart | 2002/07/01 | English | 143 |
Economic Design of Control Charts: A Literature Review for 1981–1991 | 1994/01/01 | English | 139 |
Modification of Control Chart Limits in the Presence of Data Correlation | 1978/01/01 | English | 139 |
Run-to-Run Process Control: Literature Review and Extensions | 1997/04/01 | English | 138 |
Monitoring the Coefficient of Variation Using EWMA Charts | 2011/07/01 | English | 136 |
Monitoring Correlation Within Linear Profiles Using Mixed Models | 2008/04/01 | English | 134 |
Dual Response Surface Optimization: A Fuzzy Modeling Approach | 1998/01/01 | English | 131 |
Evaluating and Improving the Synthetic Control Chart | 2002/04/01 | English | 131 |
Split-Plot Designs: What, Why, and How | 2009/10/01 | English | 130 |
Poisson EWMA Control Charts | 1998/10/01 | English | 130 |
Statistical Control Charts Based on a Geometric Distribution | 1992/04/01 | English | 129 |
The Regression Control Chart | 1969/01/01 | English | 127 |
X̄Charts with Variable Parameters | 1999/10/01 | English | 123 |
Adaptive Sampling for Process Control | 1991/04/01 | English | 121 |
The Exponentially Weighted Moving Variance | 1993/04/01 | English | 121 |
Comparing Curves Using Additive Models | 2002/01/01 | English | 120 |
Determining the Most Profitable Target Value for a Production Process | 1977/10/01 | English | 120 |
High-Dimensional Process Monitoring and Fault Isolation via Variable Selection | 2009/07/01 | English | 119 |
A CUSUM Chart for Monitoring a Proportion When Inspecting Continuously | 1999/01/01 | English | 117 |
Lower Confidence Limits on Process Capability Indices | 1990/07/01 | English | 116 |
Dual Response Optimization via Direct Function Minimization | 1996/07/01 | English | 115 |
Effect of Measurement Error on Shewhart Control Charts | 2001/04/01 | English | 114 |