Primary Health Care Research & Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
User, carer and professional experiences of care in motor neurone disease2003/07/0147
Assessing the introduction of the expert patients programme into the NHS: a realistic evaluation of recruitment to a national lay-led self-care initiative2005/04/01English39
The 'Research Spider': a simple method of assessing research experience2002/07/0137
Understanding parenting programmes: parents’ views2001/04/0136
Parenting programmes: some unintended consequences2004/07/01English31
Holism in primary care: the views of Scotland's general practitioners2005/10/01English28
How accurately do general practitioners and students estimate coronary risk in hypercholesterolaemic patients?2004/04/01English26
Recruitment by GPs during consultations in a primary care randomized controlled trial comparing computerized psychological therapy with clinical psychology and routine GP care: problems and possible solutions2004/01/01English25
A review of teenagers' perceived needs and access to primary health care: implications for health services2002/07/0124
Interviewing children for the purposes of research in primary care2000/04/0124
Unpaid carers' access to and use of primary care services2005/04/01English22
The effectiveness of home visiting as a delivery strategy for public health nursing interventions to clients in the prenatal and postnatal period: a systematic review2001/01/0122
Ensuring public and patient participation in research: a case study in infrastructure development in one UK Research and Development consortium2006/01/01English22
Alcohol and brief intervention in primary health care: what do patients think?2004/04/01English21
A primary health care team's views of the nurse practitioner role in primary care2004/01/01English20
The use of 'think aloud' technique, information processing theory and schema theory to explain decision-making processes of general practitioners and nurse practitioners using patient scenarios2005/01/01English18
Financial incentives to improve the quality of primary care in the UK: predicting the consequences of change2006/01/01English18
Patients’ perceptions of changing professional boundaries and the future of ‘nurse-led’ services2000/01/0118
A citizens' advice service in primary care: improving patient access to benefits2000/07/0117
Reducing medicines waste in the community2005/04/01English17
Patient satisfaction with skill mix in primary care: a review of the literature2003/10/01English16
Maintaining quality in exercise referral schemes: a case study of professional practice2004/04/01English16
Interdisciplinary teamwork in the community rehabilitation of older adults: an example of flexible working in primary care2004/07/01English15
GPs' perceptions of the management of ADHD in primary care: a study of Wandsworth GPs2005/04/01English15
Rethinking primary health care ethics: ethics in contemporary primary health care in the United Kingdom2004/10/01English14
Unlocking potential: challenges for primary health care researchers in the prison setting2006/04/01English14
PHASE: a 'health technology' approach to psychological treatment in primary mental health care2002/07/0114
A case study of styles of patient self-presentation in the nurse practitioner primary health care consultation2005/10/01English13
Using teleconferencing to enable general practitioner participation in focus groups2004/01/01English13
Oak trees from acorns? An evaluation of local bursaries in primary care2004/04/01English12