IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Service Orchestration Over Wireless Network Slices: Testbed Setup and Integration2021/03/012
Adaptive Network Latency Prediction From Noisy Measurements2021/03/012
Anonymous and Verifiable Reputation System for E-Commerce Platforms Based on Blockchain2021/12/012
Adaptive Feature Selection and Construction for Day-Ahead Load Forecasting Use Deep Learning Method2021/12/012
From Data and Model Levels: Improve the Performance of Few-Shot Malware Classification2022/12/012
Multi-Party Payment Channel Network Based on Smart Contract2022/12/012
Virtual Network Function Placement in Satellite Edge Computing With a Potential Game Approach2022/06/012
DRSIR: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Routing in Software-Defined Networking2022/12/012
A Load-Balancing Mechanism for Distributed SDN Control Plane Using Response Time2018/12/012
A Framework for Optimizing the Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks2018/09/012
QoS-Aware Fog Resource Provisioning and Mobile Device Power Control in IoT Networks2019/03/012
Optimized Provisioning of Edge Computing Resources With Heterogeneous Workload in IoT Networks2019/06/012
Swapping-Based Entanglement Routing Design for Congestion Mitigation in Quantum Networks2023/12/012
Intelligent Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning for Software-Defined Networking2021/03/012
Dynamic Controller Assignment in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles Through Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning2021/03/012
Caching Popular Transient IoT Contents in an SDN-Based Edge Infrastructure2021/09/012
SINR-Based Analysis of IEEE 802.11p/bd Broadcast VANETs for Safety Services2021/09/012
DNS Tunneling Detection by Cache-Property-Aware Features2021/06/012
Task Assignment and Capacity Allocation for ML-Based Intrusion Detection as a Service in a Multi-Tier Architecture2023/03/012
Distributed Network Slicing in Large Scale IoT Based on Coalitional Multi-Game Theory2019/12/012
Spotting Political Social Bots in Twitter: A Use Case of the 2019 Spanish General Election2020/12/012
Deep Reinforcement Adversarial Learning Against Botnet Evasion Attacks2020/12/012
Multi-Stage Optimized Machine Learning Framework for Network Intrusion Detection2021/06/012
A Decentralized Framework for Serverless Edge Computing in the Internet of Things2021/06/012
Cooperative Network Model for Joint Mobile Sink Scheduling and Dynamic Buffer Management Using Q-Learning2020/09/012
Toward a Green Blockchain: Engineering Merkle Tree and Proof of Work for Energy Optimization2022/12/012
Optimized Blockchain Sharding Model Based on Node Trust and Allocation2023/09/012
Dynamic QoS-Aware Traffic Planning for Time-Triggered Flows in the Real-Time Data Plane2022/06/012
Efficient Coupling Diffusion of Positive and Negative Information in Online Social Networks2019/09/012
Leveraging SDN and WebRTC for Rogue Access Point Security2017/09/011