Nuclear Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Automatic Differentiation in MetaPhysicL and Its Applications in MOOSE2021/02/22English18
Toward Exascale: Overview of Large Eddy Simulations and Direct Numerical Simulations of Nuclear Reactor Flows with the Spectral Element Method in Nek50002020/06/25English18
Advanced Methodology for Uncertainty Propagation in Computer Experiments with Large Number of Inputs2019/03/09English16
KRUSTY Experiment: Reactivity Insertion Accident Analysis2020/06/04English15
Neutronics and Safety Studies on a Research Reactor Concept for an Advanced Neutron Source2017/07/03English14
Benchmark of GOTHIC to EBR-II SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R Tests2020/01/29English14
Results of the KRUSTY Warm Critical Experiments2020/06/04English14
Development of a Validation Approach for an Integrated Waste Glass Melter Model2018/06/14English14
Thermal-Hydraulic Experimental Testing of the MYRRHA Wire-Wrapped Fuel Assembly2019/06/20English14
TREAT Restart Project2019/04/08English14
Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (FHR) Using British Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor (AGR) Refueling Technology and Decay Heat Removal Systems That Prevent Salt Freezing2019/04/11English14
Sockeye: A One-Dimensional, Two-Phase, Compressible Flow Heat Pipe Application2021/03/31English14
Continuous Integration, In-Code Documentation, and Automation for Nuclear Quality Assurance Conformance2021/01/28English14
Development of a Pragmatic Approach to Model Input Uncertainty Quantification for BEPU Applications2018/10/16English14
Thermal Energy Storage Configurations for Small Modular Reactor Load Shedding2018/03/02English13
High-Fidelity Simulation of Flow-Induced Vibrations in Helical Steam Generators for Small Modular Reactors2018/08/24English13
Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Test Reactor Thermal-Hydraulic Licensing and Uncertainty Propagation Analysis2019/06/05English13
Effects of Surface Roughness, Oxidation, and Temperature on the Emissivity of Reactor Pressure Vessel Alloys2017/08/31English13
Method of Characteristics for 3D, Full-Core Neutron Transport on Unstructured Mesh2021/07/03English13
Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) Facility Design and Experiment Capability2019/05/06English13
Interface-Resolved Simulations of Reactor Flows2019/06/20English13
Development of an Experimental Routine for Electrochemical and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Composition Measurements of SmCl3in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt Systems2018/12/28English13
Design and Operation of a Sensible Heat Peaking Unit for Small Modular Reactors2018/08/09English13
Methodological and Practical Comparison of Integrated Probabilistic Risk Assessment (I-PRA) with the Existing Fire PRA of Nuclear Power Plants2018/07/16English13
Conventional Controller Design for the Reactor Power Control System of the Advanced Small Pressurized Water Reactor2017/04/03English13
A Critical Review of the Experimentally Known Properties of U-Pu-Zr Alloys. Part 1: Phases and Phase Diagrams2019/05/06English12
Simultaneous PIV/PLIF and Pulsed Shadowgraphy Measurement of Gas-Liquid Flows in a Swirling Separator2018/07/16English12
Cardinal: A Lower-Length-Scale Multiphysics Simulator for Pebble-Bed Reactors2021/01/28English12
Nuclear Science for the Manhattan Project and Comparison to Today’s ENDF Data2021/11/16English12
Effect of Heater Material and Thickness on the Steady-State Flow Boiling Critical Heat Flux2019/12/10English12