IFAC Journal of Systems and Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Approximate iterative solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations for nonlinear systems2020/12/01English
Real-time structural health monitoring of nonlinear hysteretic structures using a fast and slow dynamics separation method2021/03/01English
Erratum to “An investigation into the effect of electrode type and stimulation parameters on FES-induced dynamic movement in the presence of muscle fatigue for a voltage-controlled stimulator” [IFAC J. Syst. Control 8 (2019) 100043]2021/09/01English
Analysis of PWA control of discrete-time linear dynamics in the presence of variable input delay2017/09/01English
A timely emergence2017/09/01English
Ubiquity of models describing inspiratory effort dynamics in patients on pressure support ventilation2024/03/01English
Automatic control of reactive brain computer interfaces2024/03/01English
Reliable H∞ fuzzy control for fault-tolerant actuator failures of active suspension system2024/03/01English
Estimating patient spontaneous breathing effort in mechanical ventilation using a b-splines function approachEnglish
Observer based stabilization of linear time delay systems using new augmented LKF2023/12/01English
Addition and intersection of linear time-invariant behaviors2023/12/01English
Impact of the control properties on the energetic and economic performance of Heat-Integrated Distillation Columns under variable feed composition2024/03/01English
Multi-competitive time-varying networked SIS model with an infrastructure network2024/03/01English
Automated covariate modeling using efficient simulation of pharmacokinetics2024/03/01English
Novel adaptive observer for HVDC transmission line: A new power management approach for renewable energy sources involving Vienna rectifier2024/03/01English
Controllers and observer synthesis for linear systems with multiple time-varying delays in range2024/03/01English
Novel Human Activity Recognition by graph engineered ensemble deep learning model2024/03/01English
Parametric identification of flat stochastic systems for effective connectivity characterization2023/09/01English
Flatness-based control in successive loops for electropneumatic actuators and robots2023/09/01English
Feature space separation by conformity loss driven training of CNNEnglish
Voltage-based separation of respiration and cardiac activity by harmonic analysis in electrical impedance tomography2024/03/01English