Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale: Development and initial validation.2014/08/01English311
Awe activates religious and spiritual feelings and behavioral intentions.2012/08/01English195
Spirituality and religion in the workplace: History, theory, and research.2014/08/01English158
Religiosity and prejudice revisited: In-group favoritism, out-group derogation, or both?2012/05/01English126
Associations among religiousness, social attitudes, and prejudice in a national random sample of American adults.2009/02/01English119
The current status of measures of spirituality: A critical review of scale development.2010/11/01English113
The emerging role of Buddhism in clinical psychology: Toward effective integration.2014/05/01English110
Religious coping among diverse religions: Commonalities and divergences.2015/02/01English104
“I believe it is wrong but I still do it”: A comparison of religious young men who do versus do not use pornography.2010/08/01English101
Examining the relation of religion and spirituality to subjective well-being across national cultures.2013/11/01English95
Research on religion/spirituality and forgiveness: A meta-analytic review.2013/11/01English93
Spiritual and religious competencies for psychologists.2013/08/01English88
Differing pathways between religiousness, spirituality, and health: A self-regulation perspective.2014/02/01English87
Hope: Its nature and measurement.2011/05/01English84
How does religiosity enhance well-being? The role of perceived control.2011/05/01English83
Development, refinement, and psychometric properties of the Attitudes Toward God Scale (ATGS-9).2010/08/01English81
Can prayer increase gratitude?2009/08/01English73
Positive and negative religious coping styles as prospective predictors of well-being in African Americans.2018/11/01English69
Friends in high places: The influence of authoritarian and benevolent god-concepts on social attitudes and behaviors.2013/02/01English68
Forgiveness as a mediator of the religiosity—health relationship.2010/02/01English67
The unique contributions of positive and negative religious coping to posttraumatic growth and PTSD.2011/11/01English65
Religion, meaning and purpose, and mental health.2015/02/01English62
God images and god concepts: Definitions, development, and dynamics.2013/02/01English62
Religiosity and adolescent empathy and aggression: The mediating role of moral identity.2012/08/01English60
The empirical and conceptual value of the spiritual transcendence and religious involvement scales for personality research.2009/08/01English60
Forgiveness, spiritual instability, mental health symptoms, and well-being: Mediator effects of differentiation of self.2010/08/01English55
Bereavement, religion, and posttraumatic growth: A matched control group investigation.2013/05/01English53
Parent and peer relationships and relational spirituality in adolescents and young adults.2011/02/01English53
The implications of workplace spirituality for person–environment fit theory.2017/02/01English52
Choice, free will, and religion.2010/05/01English50