
Title Publication Date Language Citations
It's not a lie … If you believe it: Narrative analysis of autobiographical memories reveals over-confidence disposition in patients who confabulate2024/03/01English
The anatomical structure of sex differences in trust propensity: A voxel-based morphometry study2024/04/01English
Definition: Orientation agnosia2024/03/01English
Beyond corticocentrism in human neuropsychology: Discoveries unattainable 60 years ago2024/01/01English
Assessing the association between global structural brain age and polygenic risk for schizophrenia in early adulthood: A recall-by-genotype study2024/03/01English
Discrete tactile feature comparison subprocess in human brain during a decision-making process2024/02/01English
CompreTAP: Feasibility and reliability of a new language comprehension mapping task via preoperative navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation2024/02/01English
The odd one out – Orthographic oddball processing in children with poor versus typical reading skills in a fast periodic visual stimulation EEG paradigm2024/03/01English
Developmental regression in children: Current and future directions2023/12/01English
Cover figure2023/11/01English
Editorial Board2023/11/01English
Distinct neural mechanisms support inner speaking and inner hearing2023/12/01English
Sixty years of predictive perception2024/01/01English
Brain connectome correlates of short-term motor learning in healthy older subjects2024/02/01English
Comparison of uni- and multimodal motion stimulation on visual neglect: A proof-of-concept study2024/02/01English
The functional connectivity between right parahippocampal gyrus and precuneus underlying the association between reward sensitivity and procrastination2024/02/01English
Theta synchronization as a neural marker of flexible (re-)use of socio-cognitive mechanisms for a new category of (artificial) interaction partners2023/12/01English
Slow-wave brain connectivity predicts executive functioning and group belonging in socially vulnerable individuals2024/05/01English
Noninvasive- and invasive mapping reveals similar language network centralities – A function-based connectome analysis2024/05/01English
Vision matters for shape representation: Evidence from sculpturing and drawing in the blind2024/05/01English
Diversity, epistemic injustice and medicalization2024/03/01English
Class A, Class B. Is that the only chemistry?2024/03/01English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
Cover figure2024/04/01English
A reply to the commentary “Deepening temporal cues in reading manipulations for dyslexia: A commentary on Horowitz-Kraus et al.”2024/05/01English
Long-term and transient body representation plasticity after left brachial plexus avulsion2024/05/01English
Cognitive, behavioral, and psychological phenotypes in small fiber neuropathy: A case–control study2024/04/01English
Reconsidering Luria's speech mediation: Verbalization and haptic picture identification in children with congenital total blindness2024/04/01English
Implications of age at lesion onset for neuropsychological outcomes: A systematic review focusing on focal brain lesions2023/06/01English
Causal involvement of medial inferior frontal gyrus of non-dominant hemisphere in higher order auditory perception: A single case study2023/06/01English