International Journal of Hindu Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
From Neither/Nor to Both/And: Reconfiguring the Life and Legacy of Shirdi Sai Baba in Hagiography2018/11/26English2
Translation of the Tirumuṟaikaṇṭapurāṇam; attributed to Umāpati Civācāriyār2001/04/01English2
Vedic and devotional waters: The Jalabheda of vallabhācārya2004/01/01English2
Vivekānanda and Rāmakṛṣṇa face to face: An essay on the alterity of a saint1998/04/01English2
Uparūpaka: A hybrid genre of drama in the Sanskritic tradition2000/12/01English2
When Rāhu devours the moon: The myth of the birth of Kṙṣṅa Caitanya1997/08/01English2
On the integrity of the Yoga Darśana: A review1999/08/01English2
‘To be happy’: Ritual, play, and leisure in the Bengali Dharmarāj pūjā1999/08/01English2
Hindus at the edge: Self-awareness among adult children of interfaith marriages in Chennai, South India1998/08/01English2
The primary process of the Hindu epics2000/12/01English2
Macrocosm, mesocosm, and microcosm: The persistent nature of ‘Hindu’ beliefs and symbolic forms1997/12/01English2
‘From India’s coral strand’: Reginald Heber and the missionary project2001/08/01English2
On the integrity of the Yoga Darśana: A response to Larson’s review1999/08/01English2
Wrestling with raudra in Sanskrit poetics: Gender, pollution, and śāstra2000/12/01English2
Mirrored warriors: On the cultural identity of Rajasthani traders1999/04/01English2
Nonviolence as a civic virtue: Gandhi and reformed liberalism2003/02/01English2
Good and Bad Desires: Implications of the Dialogue between Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna2007/10/03English2
Imago Dei, Paramaṃ Sāmyam: Hindu Light on a Traditional Christian Theme2008/11/07English2
The Gandhian Repertoire as Transformative Invention2014/11/16English2
Reinventing Orthopraxy and Practicing Worldly Dharma: Vasu and Aśoka in Book 14 of the Mahābhārata2011/04/01English2
Temple and Human Bodies: Representing Hinduism2011/08/01English2
Virtue and Happiness in the Law Book of Manu2011/08/01English2
The Issue of Not Being Different Enough: Some Reflections on Rajiv Malhotra’s Being Different2012/12/01English2
Rāṭhauṛī Mīrā: Two Neglected Rāṭhauṛ Connections of Mīrā—Jaimal Meṛtīyo and Nāgrīdās2010/12/01English2
Gifting Knowledge for Long Life2018/07/06English2
Introduction to Special Issue: New Directions in the Study of Advaita Vedānta2017/09/25English2
Poetry as Prayer: The Śaiva Hymns of Jagaddhara Bhaṭṭa of Kashmir2016/12/01English2
The Modern Bhagavad Gītā: Caste in Twentieth-Century Commentaries2019/12/01English2
Rekindling the Gāyatrī Mantra: Rabindranath Tagore and “Our Veda”2019/12/01English2
Avian Artistry: Decoding the Intertextuality Between Mahābhārata and Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa2020/07/13English2