Urban Water Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Experimental evaluation of rainwater quality for non-potable applications in the city of São Paulo, Brazil2006/09/01English11
Characterisation of pollutants washed off from road surfaces during wet weather2005/09/01English10
Regionalisation of impervious area parameters of urban drainage models2008/09/01English10
Household water consumption and demand management in Finland2004/03/01English10
Probabilistic environmental risk assessment of urban wet-weather discharges: an approach developed for Switzerland2009/11/01English10
Mitigation of urban flooding: A simplified approach for distributed stormwater management practices selection and planning2005/12/01English10
A review of modeling water quality in distribution systems2005/06/01English10
Estimating physical unaccounted for water (UFW) in distribution networks using simulation models and GIS2007/03/01English10
Treatment of stormwater using a detention pond and constructed filters2005/03/01English9
Uncertainty reduction in water distribution network modelling using system inflow data2009/03/01English9
Pesticides in rain and roof runoff waters from an urban region2009/12/01English9
Pathogens in urban wastewaters suitable for reuse2009/10/01English8
The management of greywater in the non-sewered areas of South Africa2008/12/01English8
Bed shear stress evaluation in combined sewers2008/09/01English8
GIS-based simulation of urban sewerage flow volume2005/03/01English8
Urban flood impact assessment: A state-of-the-art review2013/11/21English8
A suitability evaluation tool for siting wastewater treatment facilities in new urban developments2007/06/01English7
Effects of PVC, cast iron and concrete conduit on concentrations of copper in stormwater2005/09/01English7
Design hydrograph and routing scheme for flood mapping in a dense urban area2009/09/01English7
Water conservation potential in educational institutions in developing countries: case study of a university campus in Ghana2009/12/01English7
Forensic transient analyses of two pipeline failures2004/06/01English7
Scaling the solute transport characteristics of a surcharged manhole2008/03/01English7
Removal efficiency of swirl/vortex separators2004/09/01English7
Estimating recharge rates for qanat-based water supply in northern Cyprus: a case study using remotely sensed and in-situ data2008/06/01English7
Towards the formulation of a new strategy of water resource management for urban areas achieved through participatory processes2009/09/01English7
User satisfaction in large-scale, urban dry sanitationprograms in Mexico2005/12/01English6
Triple-bottom-line assessment of stormwater quality projects: advances in practicality, flexibility and rigour2006/06/01English6
Removal of heavy metals from storm and surface water by slow sand filtration: the importance of speciation2005/03/01English6
Hydraulic transients in transmission and distribution systems2004/06/01English6
Measuring the background concentration in a constructed stormwater treatment wetland2007/06/01English6