Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Critical issues in spatial models: error term specifications, additional endogenous variables, pre-testing, and Bayesian analysis2015/05/05English9
Land use and land cover change and their impact on temperature over central India2021/05/03English9
Market potential, agglomeration and location of Japanese manufacturers in China2011/01/04English9
Digital destinations in the tourist sector: a path model for the impact of e-services on tourist expenditures in Amsterdam2012/09/29English8
Regional diversity in residential development: a decade of urban and peri-urban housing dynamics in The Netherlands2014/12/10English8
Lockdown measures and air quality: evidence from Italian provinces2021/02/21English8
Performance estimation of photovoltaic energy production2020/10/31English8
Simulating housing prices with UrbanSim: predictive capacity and sensitivity analysis2012/08/02English8
Inter-county spillovers in California’s ports and roads infrastructure: the impact on retail trade2009/05/07English8
Banks, related variety and firms’ investments2014/10/21English8
Measuring German regions’ environmental efficiency: a directional distance function approach2011/12/21English8
Spatial competition and consumer exclusion: social welfare perspectives in central-place system2010/05/26English8
Homeownership, mortgages, and unemployment2015/02/24English7
Paul Krugman: contributions to Geography and Trade2020/04/01English7
Firm innovation and spillovers in Italy: Does geographical proximity matter?2017/10/27English7
Estimating Verdoorn law for Italian firms and regions2012/09/05English7
Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve: a semi-parametric analysis on the role of market structure on environmental pollution2017/11/06English7
On the spatially explicit Gini coefficient: the case study of Chile—a high-income developing country2020/01/28English7
Regional concentration and national economic growth in Brazil and Chile2018/08/30English7
On the relationship between mean and variance of world's human population density: A study using Taylor's power law2018/06/20English7
Boosting and regional economic forecasting: the case of Germany2016/11/05English7
What values of Moran’s I and Theil index decomposition really mean under different conditions: on the issue of interpretation2016/10/12English7
Using light-at-night (LAN) satellite data for identifying clusters of economic activities in Europe2015/04/02English7
The impact of integration policies on tourism industry convergence in the Yangtze River Delta: theoretical mechanism and empirical test2021/07/12English7
The effect of mineral saving and energy on the ecological footprint in an emerging market: evidence from novel Fourier based approaches2023/02/24English7
An assessment of energy production efficiency activity: a spatial analysis2017/11/20English7
Comparison of regional inequality in unemployment among four Central European countries: an inferential approach2011/11/06English6
The Time-Varying Connectedness Between China’s Crude Oil Futures and International Oil Markets: A Return and Volatility Spillover Analysis2021/11/02English6
Regional unemployment and cyclical sensitivity in Spain2020/07/02English6
Can large cities explain the aggregate movements of economies? Testing the ‘granular hypothesis’ for US counties2014/05/13English6