Science China Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gröbner bases in difference-differential modules with coefficients in a commutative ring2012/08/10English
On the construction of irreducible characters in p-blocks with normal metacyclic defect groups2012/01/17English
Cluster tilting for tilted algebras2011/12/24English
Freeness and matrix decompositions2011/11/01English
Paving small matrices and the Kadison-Singer Extension Problem II—computational results2011/11/01English
Erratum to: On nodal prime Fano threefolds of degree 102011/12/01English
Bimodule and twisted representation of vertex operator algebras2015/05/23English
Half thresholding eigenvalue algorithm for semidefinite matrix completion2015/07/02English
Semisymmetric graphs admitting primitive groups of degree 9p2015/05/19English
Weak convergence of the sequential empirical processes of residuals in TAR models2013/09/17English
Gaussian fluctuation for linear eigenvalue statistics of large dilute Wigner matrices2014/02/13English
Categories of exact sequences with projective middle terms2013/12/19English
Asymptotic properties of plug-in level set estimators for right censored data2014/01/06English
Similarity orbits in the Calkin algebra2011/05/01English
Area integral, Littlewood-Paley g-function and BMOA on convex domains of finite type2011/08/17English
Heavy tails of a Lévy process and its maximum over a random time interval2011/08/04English
The Cauchy problem for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations2018/04/25English
Thom-Sebastiani properties of Kohn-Rossi cohomology of compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds2016/01/22English
On a conjecture by Blocki and Zwonek2016/02/18English
An orthogonally accumulated projection method for symmetric linear system of equations2016/04/06English
Congruent elliptic curves with non-trivial Shafarevich-Tate groups: Distribution part2016/12/23English
High dimensional cross-sectional dependence test under arbitrary serial correlation2016/12/10English
Semipositivity of generic ordinary fibration over a curve2017/12/12English
Adaptive quantile regression with precise risk bounds2017/03/04English
Domains of holomorphy for Fourier transforms of solutions to discrete convolution equations2017/03/02English
A weighted Wilcoxon estimate for the covariate-specific ROC curve2017/03/02English
Pairs of integers which are mutually squares2017/02/14English
Kreĭn space representation and Lorentz groups of analytic Hilbert modules2018/01/18English
A conjectural formula for genus one Gromov-Witten invariants of some local Calabi-Yau n-folds2016/10/20English
Small-time sampling behavior of a Fleming-Viot process2016/11/16English