IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm2001/01/014,213
A nonparametric method for automatic correction of intensity nonuniformity in MRI data1998/01/013,172
Nonrigid registration using free-form deformations: application to breast MR images1999/01/012,567
Multimodality image registration by maximization of mutual information1997/04/012,213
Accelerated image reconstruction using ordered subsets of projection data1994/01/012,033
Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex2001/01/011,242
Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piecewise threshold probing of a matched filter response2000/03/011,013
Design and construction of a realistic digital brain phantom1998/06/01981
A modified fuzzy c-means algorithm for bias field estimation and segmentation of MRI data2002/03/01886
Global, voxel, and cluster tests, by theory and permutation, for a difference between two groups of structural MR images of the brain1999/01/01797
Selection of a convolution function for Fourier inversion using gridding (computerised tomography application)1991/01/01745
Morphometric analysis of white matter lesions in MR images: method and validation1994/01/01740
Reconstruction of two-dimensional permittivity distribution using the distorted Born iterative method1990/06/01668
Detection of blood vessels in retinal images using two-dimensional matched filters1989/01/01635
Bayesian reconstructions from emission tomography data using a modified EM algorithm1990/03/01600
Predicting error in rigid-body point-based registration1998/01/01589
Parameter relations for the Shinnar-Le Roux selective excitation pulse design algorithm (NMR imaging)1991/03/01586
Adaptive segmentation of MRI data1996/08/01565
Survey: interpolation methods in medical image processing1999/01/01542
Nonlinear anisotropic filtering of MRI data1992/06/01537
Automated model-based tissue classification of MR images of the brain1999/01/01489
New variants of a method of MRI scale standardization2000/01/01466
Automatic lung segmentation for accurate quantitation of volumetric X-ray CT images2001/06/01446
Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data1997/04/01442
Interpolation revisited [medical images application]2000/07/01431
A simple method for determining the modulation transfer function in digital radiography1992/03/01428
Statistical approach to segmentation of single-channel cerebral MR images1997/04/01399
Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images1999/01/01394
Homodyne detection in magnetic resonance imaging1991/06/01390
Statistical image reconstruction for polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography2002/01/01374