
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Immunomodulating and Antitumor Activities of Panellus serotinus Polysaccharides2012/09/01English
Biochemical Characterization of an Extracellular β-Glucosidase from the Fungus, Penicillium italicum, Isolated from Rotten Citrus Peel2012/09/01English
Diversity of Culturable Soil Micro-fungi along Altitudinal Gradients of Eastern Himalayas2012/09/01English
Notes on Species of the Lichen Genus Canoparmelia Elix & Hale in South Korea2012/09/01English
Seed-borneBrachycladium penicillatumIntercepted under Plant Quarantine Inspection in Korea2012/09/01English
Three New Records of Lichen Genera Opegrapha and Phaeographis from the Republic of Korea2012/09/01English
Isolation and Characterization of the mheA (Most Highly Expressed) Gene of Aspergillus oryzae2012/09/01English
Four Unrecorded Wood Decay Fungi from Seoul in Korea2012/09/01English
First Report of the Lichen Species, Heterodermia flabellata (Fée) D. D. Awasthi, and Updated Taxonomic Key of Heterodermia in South Korea2012/09/01English
Effects of Aeration of Sawdust Cultivation Bags on Hyphal Growth of Lentinula edodes2012/09/01English
Effect of Soil Ameliorators on Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities that Colonize Seedlings of Pinus densiflora in Abandoned Coal Mine Spoils2012/09/01English
Enhanced Expression of Glucose 2-Oxidase inPhlebia tremellosaby Addition of Phthalates2011/01/01English
A New Species of the GenusEuphoriomyces(Laboulbeniales Ascomycotina) Collected in Korea2011/01/01English
Screening Wild Yeast Strains for Alcohol Fermentation from Various Fruits2011/01/01English
Enhancing Effect ofShimizuomyces paradoxuson Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Canola, Plant Growth of Cucumber, and Harvest of Tomato2011/01/01English
A Lichen GenusPorpidia(Porpidiaceae) from South Korea2011/01/01English
First Report of Stem Rot on Asiatic Dayflower (Commelina communisL.) Caused bySclerotium rolfsiiin Korea2011/01/01English
Two New Records of the Lichen GenusPlacynthiellaElenkin in South Korea2011/01/01English
A Protective Mechanism in Lungs of Rats Experimentally Infected withAspergillus fumigatus2011/01/01English
Assessment of Antioxidant and Phenolic Compound Concentrations as well as Xanthine Oxidase and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Properties of Different Extracts ofPleurotus citrinopileatusFruiting Bodies2011/01/01English
Digestion Pattern of Antihypertensive Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides fromSaccharomyces cerevisiaein a Successive Simulated Gastricintestinal Bioreactor2011/01/01English
The Fungicolous Ascomycetes Genus Hypomyces in Korea2017/09/01English
Characteristics of Double Fungicide Resistant Strains of Venturia inaequalis2000/06/01English
Screening of Phytase Overproducing Strains in Aspergillus spp. by UV Mutagenesis2000/09/01English
Occurrence of Alternaria cassiae in Seeds of Sickle Senna in Korea2001/06/01English
Occurrence of Zoosporic Organisms in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia2000/12/01English
Availability of Sikhae Factory Wastewater as a Submerged Culture Medium for Lentinula edodes2001/09/01English
Effect of Sclerotial Distribution Pattern of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Colonizing Ability of Trichoderma harzianum2001/03/01English
Ten New Recorded Species of Macrofungi on Ulleung Island, Korea2017/12/01English
Characterization of Two Species of Acremonium (Unrecorded in Korea) from Soil Samples: A. variecolor and A. persicinum2017/12/01English