Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Monotone Union of Open n-Cells is an Open n-Cell1961/10/0135
A Chaotic Function with Some Extremal Properties1983/01/0134
On the Behavior of Mappings which do not Satisfy Hyers-Ulam Stability1992/04/0134
Long time solutions for a Burgers-Hilbert equation via a modified energy method2015/04/16English34
On Nonlinear Contractions1969/02/0133
Weak pullback attractors for stochastic Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear diffusion terms2018/12/19English33
Every Separable Banach Space is Isometric to a Space of Continuous Nowhere Differentiable Functions1995/12/0133
Each regular paratopological group is completely regular2016/09/15English32
On the continuity of global attractors2015/04/06English32
On logarithmic coefficients of some close-to-convex functions2017/10/05English32
A dynamic programming approach to the Parisi functional2015/12/22English32
Every Attractor of a Flow on a Manifold has the Shape of a Finite Polyhedron1993/09/0132
A class of completely mixed monotonic functions involving the gamma function with applications2018/08/10English31
Equivalence and stable isomorphism of groupoids, and diagonal-preserving stable isomorphisms of graph 𝐶*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras2016/10/27English31
Classification of trisections and the Generalized Property R Conjecture2016/05/24English31
Shorter Notes: Strongly Continuous Semigroups, Weak Solutions, and the Variation of Constants Formula1977/04/0130
Base-Invariance Implies Benford's Law1995/03/0130
Multidimensional analogues of refined Bohr’s inequality2021/02/24English30
On a Singular Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary-Value Problem1991/03/0129
Generalized Ramsey Theory for Graphs. II. Small Diagonal Numbers1972/04/0129
Asymptotic Stability of Ass(M/I n M)1979/04/0129
A Fixed Point Theorem for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings1972/09/0129
Tempered Boehmians and Ultradistributions1995/03/0129
On the structure of Lipschitz-free spaces2016/02/17English28
Global uniqueness for the fractional semilinear Schrödinger equation2018/11/16English28
An elementary approach to uniform in time propagation of chaos2020/09/04English28
Uniformly Persistent Systems1986/03/0128
Extension of C ∞ Functions Defined in a Half Space1964/08/0128
Mirror symmetry and the classification of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces2015/09/24English27
Minimal Identities for Algebras1950/08/0127