Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Thinking beyond polemics: Approaching the health society through Foucault2009/06/01English29
Lives of the businessmen. Reflections on life-history method and contemporary hegemonic masculinity2010/06/01English24
Privatization, curation, commodification2019/05/27English20
The Capability Approach in health promotion: Towards a Re-orientation of inequality research2009/06/01German20
Neue Arbeitsräume für neue Arbeitsformen: Coworking Spaces2012/03/01German18
Intimacy Mobilized: Hook-Up Practices in the Location-Based Social Network Grindr2016/03/01English16
Analyzing values-based modes of production and consumption: Community-supported agriculture in the Austrian Third Food Regime2020/03/01English16
The visual construction of “the people” and “proximity to the people” on the online platforms of the National Front and Swiss People’s Party2016/06/01English15
European Solidarity in Times of Crisis: Comparing Transnational Activism of Civic Organisations in Germany and Greece2018/05/01English14
Book title: Digitalization & society2019/05/27English13
Crises and adjustments in ongoing life2016/07/01English13
Bildwahrnehmung – Bildinterpretation2012/05/26German12
Care, care work and the struggle for a careful world from the perspective of the sociology of masculinities2018/03/01English12
Academic Autonomy Beyond the Nation-State2018/05/01English10
Characteristics and Queries of Reforming School Governance: The Case of Austria2005/12/01German10
Invisible and Non-productive. Are Domestic and Care Work the Work Society’s Backside?2010/06/01German10
Komplexe Gewaltprävention2020/07/01German10
Völlig legal!? Rechtliche Rahmung und Legalitätsnarrative in der 24h-Betreuung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz2019/03/01German9
Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zum Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft, Migration und Bildungsaspirationen2021/02/12German9
Sociological theory and chronic illness: Current perspectives and debates2002/12/01English9
Soziale Ungleichheit und Bildungspartizipation im weiterführenden Schulsystem Österreichs2003/09/01German9
Die Regulation der ökologischen Krise2011/06/01German9
Ausdifferenzierung von spezifischen Funktionssystemen für Krankenbehandlung und Gesundheitsförderung oder: Leben wir in der „Gesundheitsgesellschaft“?2009/06/01German9
Governing through cybersecurity: national policy strategies, globalized (in‑)security and sociotechnical visions of the digital society2019/05/27English8
Polanyi: Classical Moral Economist or Pioneer Cultural Political Economist?2019/04/16English8
Commodity Studies with Polanyi: Disembedding and Re-Embedding Labour and Land in Contemporary Capitalism2019/04/16English8
Female Migrant Entrepreneurs in Vienna: Mobility and its Embeddedness2016/03/01English8
Wandlungen des Sterbens im Krankenhaus und die Konflikte zwischen Krankenrolle und Sterberolle2002/12/01German8
Meat and social change2021/06/01English8
Cultural foundation of welfare state policies2009/09/01German8