Title Publication Date Language Citations
Surface Electromyographic Evaluation of the Asymptomatic Human Masseter Muscle with Turns and Amplitude Analysis2000/04/01English
Front Matter1997/07/01English
Front Matter2000/07/01English
Handling Difficult People and Difficult Situations2001/07/01English
Considerations Before Sugical Intervention in Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders1997/01/01English
General Dentistry Notes1996/04/01English
Front Matter1999/10/01English
Translation and Rotation of the Mandible During Habitual Mouth Opening Movement in Children with Anterior Reverse Bite in the Primary Dentition2001/04/01English
Front Matter2001/10/01English
Computer-aided Diagnoses of Pain in the Head: A Paradigm for Construction of the Software2002/07/01English
Front Matter2002/01/01English
The Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act Identification of Diagnosis Tests Final Committee Report1998/10/01English
Glenomandibular Muscle Band in the Human TMJ: A Muscular Antagonist to Bennett Movement?1999/01/01English
Front Matter1998/07/01English
Front Matter2002/07/01English
Front Matter2000/10/01English
The Effect of Stomatognathic Treatment: A Clinical Follow-up Study1996/07/01English
A Skull Base Epidermoid Cyst Causing the Symptoms of a Craniomandibular Disorder1998/07/01English
Disk Reconstruction with Temporalis Fascia: A Case Report1989/10/01English
Statistical Guidelines for Designing and Conducting Research1989/10/01English
Joint Vibration Analysis Protocol Modification: Adding Mandibular Excursive Movements1999/07/01English
Front Matter2001/04/01English
Rotational and Translational Loading of the Temporomandibular Joint2000/01/01English
General Protocol In Evaluating Causation of a TMJ Traumatic Injury1996/01/01English
Intraoral Appliances in Management of Temporomandibular Disorders, Revised1996/10/01English
Front Matter1997/10/01English
Front Matter2000/01/01English
An Anatomical Study of a Muscle Bundle Separated from the Medial Pterygoid Muscle1997/10/01English
A New Survey Instrument: A Sample of a Typical TMD Practice1999/07/01English
Front Matter1998/01/01English