
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Perinatal Risk Factors for Infantile Autism2002/07/01English354
Reproducibility and Validity of Maternal Recall of Pregnancy-Related Events1999/11/01English353
Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Heart Disease in Eight U.S. Counties1999/01/01English349
Childhood Asthma and Exposure to Traffic and Nitrogen Dioxide2005/11/01English343
A Pooled Analysis of Magnetic Fields, Wire Codes, and Childhood Leukemia2000/11/01English338
Traffic Noise and Risk of Myocardial Infarction2005/01/01English336
Ambient Air Pollution and Respiratory Emergency Department Visits2005/03/01English334
The Evolving Concept of the Healthy Worker Survivor Effect1994/03/01English330
Impact of High Temperatures on Mortality2006/11/01English323
Physical Activity and Breast Cancer2007/01/01English314
Night Work and Risk of Breast Cancer2006/01/01English307
Body Weight, Body Mass Index, and Incident Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee1999/03/01English305
Increased Breast Cancer Risk among Women Who Work Predominantly at Night2001/01/01English304
Basic Epidemiology of Fractures of the Upper and Lower Limb among Americans over 65 Years of Age1996/11/01English301
Vitamin C Intake and Mortality among a Sample of the United States Population1992/05/01English298
Fine Particles Are More Strongly Associated than Coarse Particles with Acute Respiratory Health Effects in Schoolchildren2000/01/01English297
Lung Cancer and Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water in Chile2000/11/01English293
Altered Semen Quality in Relation to Urinary Concentrations of Phthalate Monoester and Oxidative Metabolites2006/11/01English292
The Time Course of Weather-Related Deaths2001/11/01English289
Instrumental Variables2006/05/01English289
Vulnerability to Heat-Related Mortality2006/05/01English288
Age at Menopause, Cause-Specific Mortality and Total Life Expectancy2005/07/01English282
Who is Sensitive to Extremes of Temperature?2005/01/01English281
Particulate Air Pollution and Fetal Health2004/01/01English268
Avoiding Power Loss Associated with Categorization and Ordinal Scores in Dose-Response and Trend Analysis1995/07/01English267
Mortality Displacement of Heat-Related Deaths2005/09/01English267
Municipal Drinking Water Nitrate Level and Cancer Risk in Older Women: The Iowa Women’s Health Study2001/05/01English261
Associations Between Ozone and Daily Mortality2005/07/01English261
Urban Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Stockholm2000/09/01English257
Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL)—What Does it Measure?1990/07/01English256