Physical Review A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Velocity selection for ultracold three-level atoms using two micromaser cavities1999/10/01English
Propagation of quantum fluctuations in single-pass second-harmonic generation for arbitrary interaction length1994/03/01English
Comment on ‘‘Operational approach to the phase of a quantum field’’1993/05/01English
Excited states of the hydrogen molecule in magnetic fields: The singletΣstates of the parallel configuration2000/03/16English
Measurement of the lifetime of the 1s2p3Postate in Be III1996/04/01English
Entropy of flexible chains placed on Bethe and Husimi lattices1990/11/01English
Fluctuation statistics in the diffusion-limitedA+B→0 reaction1990/12/01English
Relativistic classical limit of quantum theory1993/09/01English
Gain saturation in bunched free-electron lasers1992/06/01English
Electro-optic measurement of the electric-field distributions in coplanar-electrode poled polymers1994/10/01English
Numerical study of the dynamical aspects of pattern selection in the stochastic Swift-Hohenberg equation in one dimension1991/07/01English
Hierarchical model for the multifractality of diffusion-limited aggregation1990/10/01English
Collective behavior of a coupled-map system with a conserved quantity1991/10/01English
Classical and quantal morphology of a piecewise-linear standard map1991/03/01English
Comment on “Why quantum mechanics cannot be formulated as a Markov process”1997/10/01English
Population transfer in a level-crossing model with two time scales1992/01/01English
Iterative supersymmetric construction of phase-equivalent potentials1992/07/01English
Ion storage in the rf octupole trap1994/11/01English
Nuclear-polarization contribution to the Lamb shift in actinide nuclei1995/02/01English
Erratum: Accurate variational calculations of energies of the2S2,2P2, and3D2states and the dipole, quadrupole, and dipole-quadrupole polarizabilities and hyperpolarizability of the lithium atom1996/06/01English
Collective oscillations of a classical gas confined in harmonic traps1999/12/01English
Geometry and dynamics of deterministic sand piles1990/09/01English
Spectral inheritance of potentials with flat bottoms1994/10/01English
Many-body calculation of photoionization cross sections in CO1994/02/01English
Initial-value space structure in irregular gravitational scattering1992/11/01English
Optimal control of molecular motion expressed through quantum fluid dynamics2000/03/16English
Vibrational and electronic structure of the3d−1→4p(π,σ)−2normal Auger spectrum of HBr studied by fully relativistic configuration-interaction calculations2000/02/15English
Realistic lower bounds for the factorization time of large numbers on a quantum computer1996/05/01English
Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability in three dimensions1990/05/01English
Diagnosis of laser-compressed shells based on absorption of core radiation1991/12/01English