Stem Cell Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ribosome biogenesis controls cranial suture MSC fate via the complement pathway in mouse and human iPSC models2023/12/01English
Does the Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine in Japan ensure “safety”?: Implications of low adverse event reporting2023/12/01English
Integration of xeno-free single-cell cloning in CRISPR-mediated DNA editing of human iPSCs improves homogeneity and methodological efficiency of cellular disease modeling2023/12/01English
Eyes open on stem cells2023/12/01English
Enrichment of FGF8-expressing cells from neurally induced human pluripotent stem cell cultures2023/11/01English
AT7867 promotes pancreatic progenitor differentiation of human iPSCs2023/11/01English
Is epigenome editing non-inheritable? Implications for ethics and the regulation of human applications2023/11/01English
Survey of Japanese researchers and the public regarding the culture of human embryos in vitro beyond 14 days2023/04/01English
Mechanical strain treatment improves nuclear transfer reprogramming efficiency by enhancing chromatin accessibility2023/04/01English
Transcription factor co-expression mediates lineage priming for embryonic and extra-embryonic differentiation2024/02/01English
Autophagy is essential for human myelopoiesis2024/02/01English
Deciphering the differential impact of thrombopoietin/MPL signaling on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell function in bone marrow and spleen2024/02/01English
SinCMat: A single-cell-based method for predicting functional maturation transcription factors2024/02/01English
Generation of canine induced pluripotent stem cells under feeder-free conditions using Sendai virus vector encoding six canine reprogramming factors2024/01/01English
Interspecies chimerism with human embryonic stem cells generates functional human dopamine neurons at low efficiency2024/01/01English
Transparency in controversial research: A review of human embryo research publication ethical disclosure statements2024/01/01English
Subcellular RNA distribution and its change during human embryonic stem cell differentiation2024/01/01English
Response to NK cell content does not seem to influence engraftment in ex vivo T cell depleted haploidentical stem cell transplantation2022/03/01English
Creating Opportunities to Advance Stem Cell Science: 2019–2020 Year in Review2020/06/01English
DPPA2, DPPA4, and other DPPA factor epigenomic functions in cell fate and cancer2021/12/01English
Response to questioning the evidence for a Janus-faced nature of adult neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease2021/07/01English
The Next Chapter for Stem Cell Reports2018/12/01English
New Approaches, New Opportunities at the 2019 ISSCR Annual Meeting2018/12/01English
Regenerative Medicine: Taming the Chimaera2018/10/01English
Women in Stem Cell Science: Part II2018/10/01English
Quick Access to Human Astrocytic Software that Drives Neuronal Hardware2018/10/01English
Associate Editor Q&A: Jun Takahashi and Christine Wells2019/06/01English
Ihor Lemischka (1953-2017)2018/02/01English
A Conversation with John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka2020/03/01English
Women in Stem Cell Science: Part I2018/09/01English