IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Free-space measurement of complex permittivity and complex permeability of magnetic materials at microwave frequencies1990/04/01447
A free-space method for measurement of dielectric constants and loss tangents at microwave frequencies1989/06/01373
EMI shielding measurements of conductive polymer blends1992/04/01359
ECG analysis: a new approach in human identification2001/06/01336
Generalized instantaneous reactive power theory for three-phase power systems1996/01/01264
Statistical theory of quantization1996/04/01207
Windows and interpolation algorithms to improve electrical measurement accuracy1989/01/01187
Josephson D/A converter with fundamental accuracy1995/04/01182
Digital time-of-flight measurement for ultrasonic sensors1992/01/01166
An improved technique for permittivity measurements using a coaxial probe1997/10/01159
The interpolated fast Fourier transform: a comparative study1992/04/01157
Low-Noise Magnetic Coil System for Recording 3-D Eye Movements2021/01/01145
Weighted multipoint interpolated DFT to improve amplitude estimation of multifrequency signal2002/04/01142
Crest-factor minimization using nonlinear Chebyshev approximation methods1991/01/01139
Analysis of an open-ended coaxial probe with lift-off for nondestructive testing1994/01/01137
Digital spectra of nonuniformly sampled signals: fundamentals and high-speed waveform digitizers1988/06/01129
Digital signal processing techniques for high accuracy ultrasonic range measurements1991/01/01128
A review of stochastic resonance: circuits and measurement2002/04/01128
The "intelligent tire" utilizing passive SAW sensors measurement of tire friction1999/01/01116
Orthogonal decomposition of the currents in a 3-phase nonlinear asymmetrical circuit with a nonsinusoidal voltage source1988/03/01116
A new approach to the definition of power components in three-phase systems under nonsinusoidal conditions1991/06/01113
Histogram measurement of ADC nonlinearities using sine waves1994/06/01108
Stabilization and frequency measurement of the I/sub 2/-stabilized Nd:YAG laser1999/04/01103
An acoustic pyrometer system for tomographic thermal imaging in power plant boilers1996/01/01103
Real-time determination of power system frequency1997/01/01102
A cesium fountain frequency standard: preliminary results1995/04/0198
A microwave frequency reference based on VCSEL-driven dark line resonances in Cs vapor2000/01/0197
Interpolation techniques for real-time multifrequency waveform analysis1990/01/0197
Optical frequency standard at 532 nm1995/04/0196
Survey of excitation signals for FFT based signal analyzers1988/01/0194