Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Definition of fractional Laplacian for functions with polynomial growth2019/05/2214
Wavelets on Fractals2006/04/3014
Sharp $L^p$ estimates for Schrödinger groups on spaces of homogeneous type2019/12/1713
Isolated singularities for a semilinear equation for the fractional Laplacian arising in conformal geometry2018/12/1712
Structure and regularity of the singular set in the obstacle problem for the fractional Laplacian2019/06/0412
Overdetermined problems and constant mean curvature surfaces in cones2019/12/0412
Criterion on $L^p$-Boundedness for a class of Oscillatory Singular Integrals with rough Kernels1992/08/3112
Hermite functions and uncertainty principles for the Fourier and the windowed Fourier transforms2003/04/3012
Some nonexistence results for positive solutions of elliptic equations in unbounded domains2004/04/3011
Ondelettes et bases hilbertiennes1986/03/3111
Density of Lipschitz functions and equivalence of weak gradients in metric measure spaces2013/08/0411
Structure of globally hyperbolic spacetimes-with-timelike-boundary2020/07/2811
Compact Hypersurfaces with Constant Higher Order Mean Curvatures1987/12/3111
Diffusive limit for finite velocity Boltzmann kinetic models1997/12/3111
The geometry of $E$-manifolds2020/11/1611
Stein–Weiss inequalities with the fractional Poisson kernel2020/02/2511
Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants: Jacobi matrices and Jentzsch-type theorems2019/02/1910
Sobolev martingales2020/10/1610
Lewy–Stampacchia type estimates for variational inequalities driven by (non)local operators2013/08/0410
Gradings on the Albert algebra and on $\mathfrak{f}_4$2009/12/3110
On certain Markov processes attached to exponential functionals of Brownian motion; application to Asian options2001/04/3010
On scattering for the cubic defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the waveguide $\mathbb R^2 \times \mathbb T$2020/01/1010
Equivalence of critical and subcritical sharp Trudinger–Moser–Adams inequalities2017/11/179
Existence results on $k$-normal elements over finite fields2019/04/019
Examples and applications of the density of strongly norm attaining Lipschitz maps2021/02/019
Asymptotics of fast rotating density-dependent incompressible fluids in two space dimensions2019/08/029
Decomposition of Jacobian varieties of curves with dihedral actions via equisymmetric stratification2019/06/119
Hardy space $H^1$ associated to Schrödinger operator with potential satisfying reverse Hölder inequality1999/08/319
Complex geometrical optics solutions for Lipschitz conductivities2003/04/309
Optimal Orlicz-Sobolev embeddings2004/08/319