Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of divertor geometry on tokamak plasmas2001/05/11151
Complete stabilization of a tearing mode in steady state high-βpH-mode discharges by the first harmonic electron cyclotron heating/current drive on JT-60U2000/11/10151
Dust in magnetic fusion devices2011/05/12150
Major results from the stellarator Wendelstein 7-AS2008/03/10149
Pair production in counter-propagating laser beams2009/07/21149
Characteristics and scaling of energy and particle losses during Type I ELMs in JET H-modes2002/08/30148
Fluctuation-driven transport in the DIII-D boundary2002/05/24148
Experiments with lithium limiter on T-11M tokamak and applications of the lithium capillary-pore system in future fusion reactor devices2006/05/16146
Profile stiffness and global confinement2004/07/13145
Spectroscopic determination of impurity influx from localized surfaces1989/12/01145
Lithium divertor concept and results of supporting experiments2002/05/31145
Particle transport in tokamak plasmas, theory and experiment2009/11/10142
Development of a non-local model for tokamak heat transport in L-mode, H-mode and transient regimes1997/02/01142
Dynamical processes in complex plasmas2001/12/19140
Stabilization of the external kink and the resistive wall mode2010/10/26138
Improved performance of ELMy H-modes at high density by plasma shaping in JET2002/08/30135
Toroidal rotation in ICRF-heated H-modes on JET1997/01/01134
Major minority: energetic particles in fusion plasmas2011/03/31132
Confinement physics of H-mode discharges in DIII-D1989/08/01132
Basic physical processes and reduced models for plasma detachment2018/03/16132
Neutron production from picosecond laser irradiation of deuterated targets at intensities of1998/02/01131
A model of ELM filament energy evolution due to parallel losses2005/12/16129
Stationary magnetic shear reversal experiments in Tore Supra1996/09/01128
A review of plasma polarimetry - theory and methods1999/01/01128
An intelligent shell for the toroidal pinch1989/06/01127
A review of experimental drift turbulence studies2009/10/13125
Turbulent transport reduction byE Bvelocity shear during edge plasma biasing: recent experimental results2003/03/26124
Plasma detachment in divertor tokamaks2018/02/07124
Fast liners for inertial fusion1991/11/01121
Neutron measurement techniques for tokamak plasmas1994/02/01120