Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Contemporary particle-in-cell approach to laser-plasma modelling2015/09/101,051
Edge localized modes (ELMs)1996/02/01754
Characteristics of type I ELM energy and particle losses in existing devices and their extrapolation to ITER2003/08/20471
Plasma ionization by helicon waves1991/04/01442
The ITER design2002/04/23396
Density limits in toroidal plasmas2002/07/23394
Very efficient plasma generation by whistler waves near the lower hybrid frequency1984/10/01393
Model for the sawtooth period and amplitude1996/12/01349
Experimental divertor physics1997/06/01333
A review of the denseZ-pinch2011/06/02332
Tritium inventory in ITER plasma-facing materials and tritium removal procedures2008/08/21324
Plasma medicine—current state of research and medical application2016/11/02317
Short-pulse laser - plasma interactions1996/06/01312
Impurity seeding for tokamak power exhaust: from present devices via ITER to DEMO2013/11/28302
The role of the electric field in confinement1996/01/01295
Assessment of erosion of the ITER divertor targets during type I ELMs2003/08/20293
Numerical simulation of ion cyclotron waves in tokamak plasmas1999/01/01280
Kinetic calculation of neoclassical transport including self-consistent electron and impurity dynamics2008/07/29278
Internal transport barriers in tokamak plasmas*2002/11/29273
An overview of charge-exchange spectroscopy as a plasma diagnostic1994/02/01272
Electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive in toroidal fusion plasmas1994/12/01268
Edge-localized modes - physics and theory1998/05/01268
A review of theories of the L-H transition1999/12/23263
Dust in fusion devices - experimental evidence, possible sources and consequences1998/06/01260
Kinetic theory of low-frequency Alfvén modes in tokamaks1996/11/01249
Direct measurement of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in ASDEX Upgrade using Doppler reflectometry2005/07/19247
Perturbative transport studies in fusion plasmas1995/08/01245
Modelling of measured tungsten spectra from ASDEX Upgrade and predictions for ITER2008/06/12244
Transport in toroidal devices-the experimentalist's view1993/10/01236
Fast-electron transport in high-intensity short-pulse laser - solid experiments1997/05/01232