
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rafał Molencki. Causal Conjunctions in Mediaeval English: A Corpus-Based Study of Grammaticalization. Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski/Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2012, 230 pp., ca. 250 illustr., PLN 20.00.2015/06/01
Heike Paul, Alexandra Ganser and Katharina Gerund (eds.) in Cooperation with Sebastian Schneider and Stephan Koetzing. Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in the US and Beyond. American Studies – A Monograph Series 221. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012, 369 pp., € 45.00.2015/06/01
Heather Blurton & Jocelyn Wogan-Browne (eds.). Rethinking the South English Legendaries2013/01/01
David Dwan & Christopher J. Insole (eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Edmund Burke2013/01/01
Aleida Assmann. Introduction to Cultural Studies: Topics, Concepts, Issues2013/01/01
New Monumentalism in Contemporary Architecture2013/01/01
Jared Gardner. The Rise and Fall of Early American Magazine Culture2013/01/01
A. N. Doane & William P. Stoneman. Purloined Letters: The Twelfth-Century Reception of the Anglo-Saxon Illustrated Hexateuch (British Library, Cotton Claudius B. iv)2013/01/01
Alain Jumeau & Sara Thornton (eds.). Persistent Dickens. Études Anglaises2013/01/01
Stephanie Siewert & Antonia Mehnert (eds.). The Morbidity of Culture: Melancholy, Trauma, Illness and Dying in Literature and Film2013/01/01
Julia Novak. Live Poetry: An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance2013/01/01
Leena Eilittä, Liliane Louvel & Sabine Kim (eds.). Intermedial Arts: Disrupting, Remembering and Transforming Media2013/01/01
Joybrato Mukherjee & Magnus Huber (eds.). Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Theory and Description2013/01/01
Introduction: Towards a New Monumentalism?2013/01/01
Gregory Claeys (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature2013/01/01
Monumental Cleopatra: Hollywood’s Epic Film as Historical Re-imagination2013/01/01
Daniel Dornhofer. Petrarkistischer Diskurs und höfische Kommunikation im Wandel. Strategien schottischer Dichter, 1580–16252013/01/01
Stephen Partridge & Erik Kwakkel (eds.). Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice2013/01/01
Eva Boesenberg, Reinhard Isensee & Martin Klepper (eds.). American Economies2013/01/01
Ralph Pordzik. Victorian Wastelands: Apocalyptic Discourse in Nineteenth- Century Poetry2013/01/01
Monumentalism and Contemporary Verse Novels2013/01/01
Richard Ingham. The Transmission of Anglo-Norman: Language History and Language Acquisition2013/01/01
Karolina Jeftic. Literatur und moderne Bilderfahrung. Zur Cézanne-Rezeption in der Bloomsbury Group2013/01/01
Books Received2013/01/01
Wilfried Koch. Die Naturbeschreibung im Journal von Henry David Thoreau2013/01/01
Roy Sommer. Eine transmediale Geschichte der englischen Komödie zwischen pragmatischer Poetik und generischem Gedächtnis2013/01/01
Jessica Zeltner. When the Centre Fell Apart: The Treatment of September 11 in Selected Anglophone Narratives2013/01/01
Marathon Theater as Anti-Monument: The Curious Case of Gatz2013/01/01
Stephanie LeMenager, Teresa Shewry & Ken Hiltner (eds.). Environmental Criticism for the Twenty-First Century2013/01/01