
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Disinterest and Disruption: The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Modernist Aesthetics of the Obscene2020/10/131
Pandemic Shakespeare: Perspectives on Early Modern Theatre Practice and Pedagogy in Lockdown2021/10/041
Meet 600 HIGHWAYMEN2021/10/041
“Making Space in Cyprus for Art and Activism”: An Interview with Ellada Evangelou2021/10/041
The Con-Lib Government and overseas students in the UK: Killing the goose that lays golden eggs?2014/06/021
Simultaneous Scales, Incommensurate Standards in Pierre; or, The Ambiguities2022/10/141
Writing About Death, Killing and Nonhuman Animals: An Interview with David Vann2023/01/011
La bête mise à mort. Diana Michener, Damien Hirst, Guillermo Vargas : trois formes d’une projection2023/01/011
Reconsidering the Use of Gender Stereotypes in Medieval Romance: figures of vulnerability and of power2016/02/241
“ ‘The Triumph of the Epicene Style’: Nightwood and Camp”2016/02/241
This is what feminisms look likeLutter contre les violences sexuelles, (re)présenter un sujet politique2016/02/241
Spectacle Lynching and Textual Responses2017/09/181
Lolita, le livre « impossible » ?2017/09/181
Was citizenship born with the Enlightenment?2017/09/181
Bodies of War and Memory: Embodying, Framing and Staging the Korean War in the United States2017/09/181
“The Presence of a Monstrosity”: Eugenics, Female Disability, and Obstetrical-Gynecologic Medicine in Late 19th-Century New York2017/09/181
Political satire and music: Humorous (and political) songs in Donald Trump's America2019/04/151
Americanizing Surrealism: Cultural Challenges in the Magnetic Fields2017/04/041
Saul Leiter : Rétrospectives 1950-19602015/06/071
Silvia Pellicer-Ortin, Eva Figes' Writings. A Journey through Trauma2017/09/181
From Dionysus in 69 to Imagining O2018/05/311
La notion de « responsabilité » dans le discours politique américain de 1980 à 2010 : le transfert rhétorique et idéologique des Républicains aux Démocrates2016/11/281
Sandrine Sorlin, La Stylistique anglaise. Théories et pratiques2015/06/071
Atelier de traduction de théâtre : un projet collaboratif de l’Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier)2018/05/311
Aaron Siskind, une autre réalité photographique2016/02/241
Les lettres dans le roman : Henry Fielding et l’intertexte épistolaire2015/06/071
Eloge de l’ombre : les paradoxes du corps spectral dans le théâtre anglais contemporain2013/10/011
Disorienting Geographies: Land Art and the American Myth of Discovery2012/06/011
George Salting (1835-1909) and the discovery of Islamic ceramics in 19th-century England2012/12/011
From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain2015/06/071