Climate Risk Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation2017/01/01English627
Assessing farmer use of climate change adaptation practices and impacts on food security and poverty in Pakistan2017/01/01English348
Bangladesh’s dynamic coastal regions and sea-level rise2014/01/01English245
Climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and adaptation behavior among Midwestern U.S. crop farmers2017/01/01English226
Climate change perceptions and local adaptation strategies of hazard-prone rural households in Bangladesh2017/01/01English215
Farmer’s perception of climate change and responsive strategies in three selected provinces of South Africa2017/01/01English181
Response to climate risks among smallholder farmers in Malawi: A multivariate probit assessment of the role of information, household demographics, and farm characteristics2017/01/01English166
Knowledge and passive adaptation to climate change: An example from Indian farmers2017/01/01English158
Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa2017/01/01English121
The adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to climate change in the Northern Region of Ghana2017/01/01English118
Adaptation opportunities and maladaptive outcomes in climate vulnerability hotspots of northern Ghana2018/01/01English107
The role of climate forecasts in smallholder agriculture: Lessons from participatory research in two communities in Senegal2014/01/01English99
Overcoming barriers during the co-production of climate information for decision-making2015/01/01English97
Cascading climate change impacts and implications2020/01/01English89
Public perception of climate risk and adaptation in the UK: A review of the literature2014/01/01English79
Boundary organizations and environmental governance: Performance, institutional design, and conceptual development2018/01/01English75
The probability of the impact of ENSO on precipitation and near-surface temperature2014/01/01English75
Useful to Usable: Developing usable climate science for agriculture2017/01/01English74
Adapting global shared socio-economic pathways for national and local scenarios2018/01/01English74
An integrated method for assessing climate-related risks and adaptation alternatives in urban areas2015/01/01English73
Mapping the evolution and current trends in climate change adaptation science2021/01/01English72
Barriers and opportunities for robust decision making approaches to support climate change adaptation in the developing world2016/01/01English70
Scenario planning to leap-frog the Sustainable Development Goals: An adaptation pathways approach2016/01/01English68
Multi-scale assessment of social vulnerability to climate change: An empirical study in coastal Vietnam2018/01/01English66
The robustness of flood insurance regimes given changing risk resulting from climate change2014/01/01English64
Potential benefits of drought and heat tolerance for adapting maize to climate change in tropical environments2018/01/01English64
Vulnerability to climate change of smallholder farmers in the Hamadan province, Iran2019/01/01English63
Understanding the evolution of the 2014–2016 summer rainfall seasons in southern Africa: Key lessons2017/01/01English61
Climate service development, delivery and use in Europe at monthly to inter-annual timescales2014/01/01English61
Supporting adaptation decisions through scenario planning: Enabling the effective use of multiple methods2016/01/01English61