Irish Political Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Should Irish Emigrants have Votes? External Voting in Ireland2011/12/01English16
The Constituency Orientation of Modern TDs2011/09/01English15
The Irish Green Party: From Protest to Mainstream Party?2010/12/01English15
A laggard in good times and bad? The limited impact of EU membership on Ireland’s climate change and environmental policy2019/08/05English15
The Business of Building Peace: Private Sector Cooperation across the Irish Border2014/01/02English15
The 2009 Local Elections in the Republic of Ireland2010/05/11English15
From Abstentionism to Enthusiasm: Sinn Féin, Nationalist Electors and Support for Devolved Power-sharing in Northern Ireland2013/02/01English15
Women's Citizenship in Northern Ireland after the 1998 Agreement2013/09/01English15
Women and Politics in Ireland: The Road to Sex Quotas2013/09/01English15
Faultlines in unionism: Division and dissent within the Ulster Unionist Council2001/01/01English15
Ian Paisley and evangelical Democratic Unionists: An analysis of the role of evangelical Protestantism within the Democratic Unionist Party2005/06/01English15
Politics, Policy Preferences and the Evolution of Irish Bureaucracy: A Framework for Analysis2012/02/01English14
Party policy in Ireland 1997 results from an expert survey1998/01/01English14
Symbols of national identity and sport: The case of the Irish football team1994/01/01English14
Financial and Economic Crisis: Explaining the Sunset over the Celtic Tiger2011/12/01English14
A Transient Transition: The Cultural and Institutional Obstacles Impeding the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition in its Progression from Informal to Formal Politics2008/02/01English14
Cooking the Fudge: Constructive Ambiguity and the Implementation of the Northern Ireland Agreement, 1998–20072009/08/17English14
Painting Peace? Murals and the Northern Ireland Peace Process2012/02/01English13
Rage Against the Machine: Who is the Independent Voter?2011/02/01English13
The Positions of Irish Parliamentary Parties 1937–20062009/02/01English13
Irish Political Parties' Attitudes towards Neutrality and the Evolution of the EU's Foreign, Security and Defence Policies2009/11/18English13
Ordering Things: The Irish State Administration Database2012/02/01English13
Is All Politics Local? The Role-orientation of Irish Parliamentarians towards Foreign Policy2013/02/01English13
Predicting vote choice in the 2020 Irish general election2021/09/17English13
Decision-making and Contested Heritage in Northern Ireland: The Former Maze Prison/Long Kesh2011/09/01English13
Electing Women to the Dáil: Gender Cues and the Irish Voter2011/12/01English13
UN Resolution 1325 in Ireland: Limitations and Opportunities of the International Framework on Women, Peace and Security2013/09/01English13
Convictions and Signals in Parliamentary Speeches: Dáil Éireann Debates on Abortion in 2001 and 20132015/04/03English12
Religion, National Identity and Political Change in Modern Ireland2002/06/01English12