A Double-Difference Earthquake Location Algorithm: Method and Application to the Northern Hayward Fault, California | 2000/12/01 | English | 2,144 |
Empirical Relations between Elastic Wavespeeds and Density in the Earth's Crust | 2005/12/01 | English | 1,106 |
Minimum Magnitude of Completeness in Earthquake Catalogs: Examples from Alaska, the Western United States, and Japan | 2000/08/01 | English | 1,046 |
Quantitative Classification of Near-Fault Ground Motions Using Wavelet Analysis | 2007/10/01 | English | 735 |
Assessing the Quality of Earthquake Catalogues: Estimating the Magnitude of Completeness and Its Uncertainty | 2005/04/01 | English | 642 |
Fault Slip Distribution of the 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake, Estimated from Satellite Radar and GPS Measurements | 2002/05/01 | English | 612 |
A Mathematical Representation of Near-Fault Ground Motions | 2003/06/01 | English | 600 |
Double-Difference Tomography: The Method and Its Application to the Hayward Fault, California | 2003/10/01 | English | 546 |
Ambient Noise Levels in the Continental United States | 2004/08/01 | English | 510 |
Topographic Slope as a Proxy for Seismic Site Conditions and Amplification | 2007/10/01 | English | 501 |
Attenuation Relations of Strong Ground Motion in Japan Using Site Classification Based on Predominant Period | 2006/06/01 | English | 464 |
Displacement and Geometrical Characteristics of Earthquake Surface Ruptures: Issues and Implications for Seismic-Hazard Analysis and the Process of Earthquake Rupture | 2008/08/01 | English | 459 |
Earthquake Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Eastern North America | 2006/12/01 | English | 443 |
Stochastic Finite-Fault Modeling Based on a Dynamic Corner Frequency | 2005/06/01 | English | 429 |
Earthquake Fault Scaling: Self-Consistent Relating of Rupture Length, Width, Average Displacement, and Moment Release | 2010/09/20 | English | 405 |
Source Description of the 1999 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake, Part I: Wavelet Domain Inversion Theory and Resolution Analysis | 2002/05/01 | English | 384 |
The Role Played and Opportunities Provided by IGP DMC of China National Seismic Network in Wenchuan Earthquake Disaster Relief and Researches | 2010/10/19 | English | 374 |
A New Method for Determining First-Motion Focal Mechanisms | 2002/08/01 | English | 370 |
Orientation-Independent, Nongeometric-Mean Measures of Seismic Intensity from Two Horizontal Components of Motion | 2010/07/27 | English | 368 |
Time and Space Distribution of Coseismic Slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake as Inferred from Tsunami Waveform Data | 2013/05/01 | English | 361 |
Coseismic Slip and Afterslip of the GreatMw 9.15 Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake of 2004 | 2007/01/01 | English | 356 |
Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3)--The Time-Independent Model | 2014/06/01 | English | 355 |
Faster, Better: Shear-Wave Velocity to 100 Meters Depth from Refraction Microtremor Arrays | 2001/04/01 | English | 345 |
Coseismic Deformation from the 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake as Inferred from InSAR and GPS Observations | 2002/05/01 | English | 330 |
Empirical Ground-Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes and Their Application to Cascadia and Other Regions | 2003/08/01 | English | 323 |
Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to June 2011) | 2012/10/01 | English | 319 |
National Seismic Hazard Model for New Zealand: 2010 Update | 2012/08/01 | English | 303 |
Thickness of the Seismic Slip Zone | 2003/06/01 | English | 303 |
Broadband Ground-Motion Simulation Using a Hybrid Approach | 2010/09/20 | English | 300 |
Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Special Focus on Subduction Environment | 2010/12/01 | English | 279 |