Cochlear Implants International

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Taste change following cochlear implantation2007/12/01English20
The emergence of segmental accuracy in young cochlear implant recipients2008/09/01English20
Hearing rehabilitation outcomes in cochlear implant recipients with vestibular schwannoma in observation or radiotherapy groups: A systematic review2019/09/08English20
Language processing fluency and verbal working memory in prelingually deaf long-term cochlear implant users: A pilot study2018/07/05English20
United Kingdom national paediatric bilateral project: Demographics and results of localization and speech perception testing2016/12/23English20
The suprameatal approach: an alternative surgical technique for cochlear implantation2006/09/01English19
The importance of intra-operative imaging during cochlear implant surgery2009/12/01English19
Predictors of audiological outcome following cochlear implantation in adults2007/01/01English19
Exploration of the cognitive and behavioural consequences of paediatric cochlear implantation2006/06/01English19
Is the digit triplet test an effective and acceptable way to assess speech recognition in adults using cochlear implants in a home environment?2017/01/25English19
An investigation into the expectations of mothers of children with cochlear implants2001/03/01English18
A questionnaire-based analysis of parental perspectives on pediatric cochlear implant (CI) re/habilitation services: a pilot study from a developing CI service in India2018/06/29English18
Paediatric cochlear implantation in the first and in the second year of life: a comparative study2004/12/01English17
Computer-assisted CI fitting: Is the learning capacity of the intelligent agent FOX beneficial for speech understanding?2017/05/12English17
Comparing eSRT and eCAP measurements in pediatric MED-EL cochlear implant users2018/01/02English17
Quality of life outcomes in cochlear implantation of children with profound and multiple learning disability2018/02/18English17
Cochlear implantation in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct. A case series with literature review2017/01/25English17
Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners2016/02/04English17
How We Do It: Using a surgical navigation system in the management of the ossified cochlea2003/06/01English17
Bimodal benefits of cochlear implant and hearing aid (on the non-implanted ear): a pilot study to develop a protocol and a test battery2007/03/01English17
Health-related quality-of-life outcomes from adult cochlear implantation: a cross-sectional survey2001/09/01English17
Factors that affect the social well-being of children with cochlear implants2008/12/01English16
Occurrence of major complications after cochlear implant surgery in Ireland2018/08/29English16
Speech perception scores in cochlear implant recipients: An analysis of ceiling effects in the CUNY sentence test (Quiet) in post-lingually deafened cochlear implant recipients2016/02/05English16
Cochlear implants for pre-lingually profoundly deaf adults2016/04/01English16
Update on long-term results with auditory brainstem implants in NF2 patients2009/02/20English16
Electrode impedance changes after implantation of a dexamethasone-eluting intracochlear array2019/10/16English15
Predicting speech perception outcomes following cochlear implantation in adults with unilateral deafness or highly asymmetric hearing loss2016/04/01English15
Intra-operative monitoring of cochlear function during cochlear implantation2009/03/01English15
Cochlear implantation in recipients with single-sided deafness: Audiological performance2016/05/03English15