Patient Preference and Adherence

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The impact of sample type and procedural attributes on relative acceptability of different colorectal cancer screening regimens2018/09/01English2
Questioning patient engagement: research scientists’ perceptions of the challenges of patient engagement in a cardiovascular research network2017/09/01English2
Appointment reminder systems are effective but not optimal: results of a systematic review and evidence synthesis employing realist principles2016/04/01English2
Cardiovascular risk prediction: a comparative study of Framingham and quantum neural network based approach2016/07/01English2
A counselor in your pocket: feasibility of mobile health tailored messages to support HIV medication adherence2015/09/01English2
Back to the future – feasibility of recruitment and retention to patient education and telephone follow-up after hip fracture: a pilot randomized controlled trial2015/09/01English2
<p>Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medication Adherence in Asthma: A Targeted Review of Qualitative Studies</p>2020/03/01English2
Association between belief and attitude toward preference of complementary alternative medicine use2017/05/01English2
From therapeutic patient education principles to educative attitude: the perceptions of health care professionals &ndash; a pragmatic approach for defining competencies and resources2017/03/01English2
Getting patients in the door: medical appointment reminder preferences2017/01/01English2
Factors associated with preoperative anxiety levels of Turkish surgical patients: from a single center in Ankara2017/02/01English2
<p>Satisfaction of Pregnant Women with Antenatal Care Services at Women and Children Hospital in South Okkalapa, Myanmar: A Facility-Based Cross-Sectional Study Triangulated with Qualitative Study</p>2020/12/01English2
Real world outcomes of adding rapid-acting insulin versus switching to analog premix insulin among US patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin glargine2013/09/01English2
The development of the ProMAS: a Probabilistic Medication Adherence Scale2015/03/01English2
Orthodontic treatment need for adolescents in the Campania region: the malocclusion impact on self-concept2014/03/01English2
Factors that lessen the burden of treatment in complex patients with chronic conditions: a qualitative study2014/03/01English2
Mobile phone-based asthma self-management aid for adolescents (mASMAA): a feasibility study2014/01/01English2
Relationship between medication beliefs, self-reported and refill adherence, and symptoms in patients with asthma using inhaled corticosteroids2014/01/01English2
Comparison of one-year clinical outcomes between intravascular ultrasound-guided versus angiography-guided implantation of drug-eluting stents for left main lesions: a single-center analysis of a 1,016-patient cohort2014/09/01English2
Evaluation of Post-Vaccination Symptoms of Two Common COVID-19 Vaccines Used in Abha, Aseer Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia2021/09/01English2
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and its Predictors among College Students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021: A Cross-Sectional Survey2022/02/01English2
Patient preference and satisfaction in erectile dysfunction therapy: a comparison of the three phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil2009/04/01English2
Quality of life in ostomy patients: a qualitative study2010/12/01English2
Help-seeking behavior among women currently leaking urine in Nigeria: is it any different from the rest of the world?2012/11/01English2
Prevalence and individual risk factors associated with clinical lumbar instability in rice farmers with low back pain2014/12/01English2
Reasons for discontinuation of subcutaneous biologic therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a patient perspective2015/01/01English2
Patient preferences and willingness to pay for innovations in intermittent self-catheters2015/03/01English2
Determinants of patient satisfaction with hospital health care in psychiatry: results based on&nbsp;the&nbsp;SATISPSY-22 questionnaire2014/10/01English2
Identification of validated questionnaires to measure adherence to pharmacological antihypertensive treatments2015/04/01English2
Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review2014/06/01English2