Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Testing Factorial Invariance With Unbalanced Samples2017/10/31English130
Detecting Violations of Factorial Invariance Using Data-Based Specification Searches: A Monte Carlo Study2007/07/31English125
Impact of Misspecifications of the Latent Variance–Covariance and Residual Matrices on the Class Enumeration Accuracy of Growth Mixture Models2016/05/09English124
Number of Subjects and Time Points Needed for Multilevel Time-Series Analysis: A Simulation Study of Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling2017/12/04English121
Level-Specific Evaluation of Model Fit in Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling2009/10/06English121
Measurement Invariance Testing with Many Groups: A Comparison of Five Approaches2017/03/30English118
Assessing Structural Equation Models by Equivalence Testing With Adjusted Fit Indexes2015/11/13English116
Recent Changes Leading to Subsequent Changes: Extensions of Multivariate Latent Difference Score Models2012/04/17English116
Regularized Structural Equation Modeling2016/04/12English114
Advanced Nonlinear Latent Variable Modeling: Distribution Analytic LMS and QML Estimators of Interaction and Quadratic Effects2011/06/30English113
Models and Strategies for Factor Mixture Analysis: An Example Concerning the Structure Underlying Psychological Disorders2013/10/01English112
Bayesian Versus Frequentist Estimation for Structural Equation Models in Small Sample Contexts: A Systematic Review2019/05/21English111
Comparing Rasch measurement and factor analysis1996/01/01English110
Structural Equation Models of Latent Interactions: Clarification of Orthogonalizing and Double-Mean-Centering Strategies2010/07/01English109
Power and Precision in Confirmatory Factor Analytic Tests of Measurement Invariance2007/10/23English108
Determining the Number of Latent Classes in Single- and Multiphase Growth Mixture Models2014/04/03English108
Correlates of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Method Effects2006/01/01English108
Further Reflections on Disentangling Shape and Level Effects in Person-Centered Analyses: An Illustration Exploring the Dimensionality of Psychological Health2016/03/23English107
Behavior of descriptive fit indexes in confirmatory factor analysis using ordered categorical data1998/01/01English105
Using SEM to Analyze Complex Survey Data: A Comparison between Design-Based Single-Level and Model-Based Multilevel Approaches2012/01/20English104
Is Parceling Really Necessary? A Comparison of Results From Item Parceling and Categorical Variable Methodology2008/04/17English103
Issues in applied structural equation modeling research1995/01/01English102
Mixed Mode Latent Class Analysis: An Examination of Fit Index Performance for Classification2014/09/30English101
Nonlinear Growth Models in Mplusand SAS2009/10/06English100
Estimating Standardized SEM Parameters Given Nonnormal Data and Incorrect Model: Methods and Comparison2018/01/24English97
To Parcel or Not to Parcel: Exploring the Question, Weighing the Merits2002/04/01English97
Structural equation modeling: Back to basics1997/01/01English97
Structural Equation Modeling With Ωnyx2014/10/08English96
Comparisons of two statistical approaches to study growth curves: The multilevel model and the latent curve analysis1998/01/01English96
Modeling the processes of development via latent variable growth curve methodology1995/01/01English96