Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A controlled-attention view of working-memory capacity.2001/01/01English722
Shifting visual attention between objects and locations: Evidence from normal and parietal lesion subjects.1994/01/01English681
Phenomenal characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined autobiographical events.1988/01/01English617
How are visuospatial working memory, executive functioning, and spatial abilities related? A latent-variable analysis.2001/12/01English603
The relationships among working memory, math anxiety, and performance.2001/01/01English602
On the fragility of skilled performance: What governs choking under pressure?2001/01/01English598
Search asymmetry: A diagnostic for preattentive processing of separable features.1985/01/01English584
Decision making and the avoidance of cognitive demand.2010/01/01English579
Aging and emotional memory: The forgettable nature of negative images for older adults.2003/06/01English566
Human movement initiation: Specification of arm, direction, and extent.1980/01/01English552
Distributed memory and the representation of general and specific information.1985/06/01English551
Effects of color on emotions.1994/01/01English551
Executive Functioning as a Potential Mediator of Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Normal Adults.2003/01/01English546
Paradigms and processes in reading comprehension.1982/01/01English545
The effects of divided attention on encoding and retrieval processes in human memory.1996/01/01English544
Binding in short-term visual memory.2002/01/01English539
Visual Word Recognition of Single-Syllable Words.2004/01/01English530
Time Constraints and Resource Sharing in Adults' Working Memory Spans.2004/01/01English514
Passive Facebook usage undermines affective well-being: Experimental and longitudinal evidence.2015/01/01English491
Overcoming intuition: Metacognitive difficulty activates analytic reasoning.2007/01/01English484
The separability of working memory resources for spatial thinking and language processing: An individual differences approach.1996/01/01English483
Prior exposure increases perceived accuracy of fake news.2018/12/01English476
Separating conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Measuring recollection.1993/06/01English469
A computational model of semantic memory impairment: Modality specificity and emergent category specificity.1991/01/01English462
Competition for consciousness among visual events: The psychophysics of reentrant visual processes.2000/01/01English458
From conditioning to category learning: An adaptive network model.1988/01/01English451
Emotion-based choice.1999/09/01English448
Subitizing: An analysis of its component processes.1982/01/01English440
Changing internal constraints on action: The role of backward inhibition.2000/01/01English437
Statistical power and optimal design in experiments in which samples of participants respond to samples of stimuli.2014/01/01English437