Energy for Sustainable Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Energy management and economics of a trigeneration system Considering the effect of solar PV, solar collector and fuel price2015/06/01English39
Field trial testing of an electricity-producing portable biomass cooking stove in rural Malawi2014/06/01English38
Micro-inverters — Promising solutions in solar photovoltaics2012/12/01English38
Renewable energy markets in rural electrification: Country case Nepal2012/06/01English38
Clean energy conversion from municipal solid waste and climate change mitigation in Thailand: Waste management and thermodynamic evaluation2011/12/01English38
Electricity theft as a relational issue: A comparative look at Zanzibar, Tanzania, and the Sunderban Islands, India2012/03/01English38
Measured performance evaluation of a 1.4 kW grid connected desert type PV in Oman2018/12/01English38
Effects of load estimation error on small-scale off-grid photovoltaic system design, cost and reliability2016/10/01English38
Performance characterisation of a commercial-scale wind turbine operating in an urban environment, using real data2017/02/01English38
Global value chain, trade and carbon: Case of information and communication technology manufacturing sector2015/04/01English38
A comparative study of households' electricity consumption characteristics in Indonesia: A techno-socioeconomic analysis2013/12/01English38
Ensuring access to electricity and minimum basic electricity needs as a goal for the post-MDG development agenda after 20152014/04/01English37
‘Oorja’ in India: Assessing a large-scale commercial distribution of advanced biomass stoves to households2014/04/01English37
Hydroelectric potential and environmental effects of multidam hydropower projects in Turkey2010/12/01English37
Monitoring and autonomous control of Beijing Subway HVAC system for energy sustainability2017/08/01English37
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) & energy aid: Impacts on the energy sector in the Caribbean and Pacific2013/10/01English37
Rural electrification: Accelerating impacts with complementary services2009/03/01English37
Fighting coal — Effectiveness of coal-replacement programs for residential heating in China: Empirical findings from a household survey2020/04/01English37
Potential of distributed wood-based biopower systems serving basic electricity needs in rural Uganda2010/03/01English37
A new integral management model and evaluation method to enhance sustainability of renewable energy projects for energy and sanitation services2015/12/01English37
Test Kitchen studies of indoor air pollution from biomass cookstoves2013/10/01English37
Concentrated solar drying of tomatoes2014/04/01English37
Evaluation of energy-saving retrofits for sunspace of rural residential buildings based on orthogonal experiment and entropy weight method2022/10/01English37
Directing clean development mechanism towards developing countries' sustainable development priorities2009/06/01English37
Open-source development of solar photovoltaic technology2012/09/01English36
Reforming capital subsidy scheme to finance energy transition for the below poverty line communities in rural India2018/08/01English36
Development of renewable, densified biomass for household energy in China2018/10/01English36
The lighting transition in rural Africa — From kerosene to battery-powered LED and the emerging disposal problem2017/08/01English36
Attitude–behaviour gap in energy issues: Case study of three different Finnish residential areas2013/02/01English36
Thailand's low-carbon scenario 2030: Analyses of demand side CO2 mitigation options2011/12/01English36