
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Problems of projection2013/06/01English451
Linguistic form and relevance1993/06/01English255
Relativized relatives: Types of intervention in the acquisition of A-bar dependencies2009/01/01English236
Ultimate attainment in L2 inflection: Performance similarities between non-native and native speakers2010/04/01English216
The interface of language and Theory of Mind2007/11/01English173
Adjectives in English: Attribution and predication1967/01/01English168
When it is better to receive than to give: Syntactic and conceptual constraints on vocabulary growth1994/04/01English164
Biological evolution of the Saussurean sign as a component of the language acquisition device1989/02/01English155
Contributions of animacy to grammatical function assignment and word order during production2008/02/01English145
Discourse conditions on subject pronoun realization: Testing the linguistic intuitions of older bilingual children2009/03/01English140
Developmental reorganization of phonology: A hierarchy of basic units of acquisition1979/09/01English135
Small clause results1988/03/01English133
The consequences of talking to strangers: Evolutionary corollaries of socio-cultural influences on linguistic form2007/03/01English121
Specifically language impaired and normally developing children: Verbal passive vs. adjectival passive sentence interpretation1996/04/01English121
Deux mais en français?1977/10/01English115
The pragmatics of verbal irony: Echo or pretence?2006/10/01English111
A comparison of informal and formal acceptability judgments using a random sample from Linguistic Inquiry 2001–20102013/09/01English111
Observations on embedding verbs, evidentiality, and presupposition2007/06/01English108
External arguments and the Mirror Principle: On the distinctness of Voice and v2013/02/01English104
The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish2010/08/01English103
Gradience in linguistic data2005/11/01English103
The syntax of Arabic-French code-switching1983/04/01English103
The form of Semitic noun phrases2004/12/01English101
Which questions are most difficult to understand?2011/02/01English100
Gradient grammar: An effect of animacy on the syntax of give in New Zealand and American English2008/02/01English96
Conditionals, factives and the left periphery2006/10/01English88
Japanese sociolinguistics politeness and women's language1982/06/01English87
Grammatical feature dissimilarities make relative clauses easier: A comprehension study with Italian children2010/09/01English87
Sources of linguistic knowledge in the second language acquisition of English articles2008/04/01English87
Second language acquisition at the interfaces2011/03/01English85