IATSS Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
ICT and road transportation safety in the United States: a case of “American exceptionalism”2010/07/01English8
Aviation Impacts on Property Values and Management: The Case of Suvarnabhumi International Airport2015/07/01English8
Odds of work zone crash occurrence and getting involved in advance warning, transition, and activity areas by injury severity2020/04/01English8
Inclusion of speed and weather measures in safety performance functions for rural roadways2021/04/01English8
To fully automate or not? Investigating demands and willingness to pay for autonomous vehicles based on automation levels2021/12/01English8
Analyzing accidents and developing elderly driver-targeted measures based on accident and violation records2015/07/01English8
Safety impact of application of auxiliary lanes at downstream locations of Thai U-turns2017/04/01English8
How do dutch drivers perceive horizontal curves on freeway interchanges and which cues influence their speed choice?2021/07/01English7
The effect of motorcycle safety campaign on helmet use: A systematic review and meta-analysis2021/12/01English7
Modeling cyclists' facility choice and its application in bike lane usage forecasting2018/07/01English7
Observations on the relationship between European standards for safety barrier impact severity and the degree of injury sustained2013/07/01English7
A Bayesian analysis of the impact of post-crash care on road mortality in Sub-Saharan African countries2017/10/01English7
Effect of passing zone length on operation and safety of two-lane rural highways in Uganda2017/04/01English7
Driver behavior at Kuwait roundabouts and its performance evaluation2020/12/01English7
Victim identification in large-scale disasters using dental findings2019/07/01English7
Evaluating safety effectiveness of roundabouts in Abu Dhabi2018/12/01English7
Alcohol and traffic accidents in Japan2019/07/01English7
Driving behavior in mixed traffic flow: A novel model for assessing bus movement considering the interaction with motorcyclists2020/07/01English7
Determination and analysis of informal public transport stops2020/04/01English7
Evaluation of fatal school bus related crashes and near-term crash mitigation strategies2015/03/01English7
Social change and future transport policy in the Japanese context2012/03/01English6
An exploratory investigation of the impact of ramp metering on driver acceleration behavior2019/12/01English6
Effective traffic routing for urban transportation capacity and safety enhancement2022/12/01English6
A conceptual framework for road traffic safety considering differences in traffic culture through international comparison2022/04/01English6
A novel deep ensemble based approach to detect crashes using sequential traffic data2022/04/01English6
Speed choice and speeding behavior on Indonesian highways: Extending the theory of planned behavior2022/07/01English6
Crash rates analysis in China using a spatial panel model2017/10/01English6
An exploratory study of the experiences of wheelchair users as aircraft passengers – implications for policy and practice2017/07/01English6
Factors associated with the red-light running behavior characteristics of motorcyclists2021/07/01English6