IATSS Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Potential safety benefits of lane departure prevention technology2019/04/01English14
Exploring ways to determine an alternative strategic road network in a metropolitan city: A multi-criteria analysis approach2021/04/01English14
Safety effectiveness of pavement design treatment at intersections: Left turning vehicles and pedestrians on crosswalks2016/07/01English14
A framework for travel time variability analysis using urban traffic incident data2018/04/01English14
Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs: International differences and determinants based on E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes first-wave results in 32 countries2020/10/01English14
Drivers' perceptions regarding speeding and driving on urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit2013/07/01English13
Quality of pedestrian flow and crosswalk width at signalized intersections2010/07/01English13
Road accidents in Spain: Are they persistent?2021/10/01English13
Transitioning to safer streets through an integrated and inclusive design2016/03/01English13
Pedestrian accessibility and safety around bus stops in Delhi2020/04/01English13
Association of reduced visibility with crash outcomes2018/10/01English13
Modeling retroreflectivity degradation of traffic signs using artificial neural networks2022/12/01English13
Exploring the possibility of MaaS service in Thailand, implications from the existing conditions and experts' opinions on “Who should be the MaaS provider in Bangkok?”2019/12/01English13
Quantification of surrogate safety measure to predict severity of road crashes at median openings2021/04/01English13
Effectiveness of enforcement resources in the highway patrol in reducing fatality rates2018/12/01English13
Proposed quick method for applying dynamic lane assignment at signalized intersections2018/04/01English13
Coordination of horizontal and sag vertical curves on two-lane rural roads: Driving simulator study2015/07/01English13
Measuring the impact of urban policies on transportation energy saving using a land use-transport model2014/03/01English13
Recognising customers' patterns of bus service patronage using a loyalty framework2014/03/01English12
Accounting for human-related unobserved heterogeneity in the safety performance of connected vehicles: An incorporation of Bayesian hierarchical negative binomial into simulated work zone warning application2021/12/01English12
Assessment of distracted pedestrian crossing behavior at midblock crosswalks2021/12/01English12
Estimation of passenger car CO 2 emissions with urban population density scenarios for low carbon transportation in Japan2016/03/01English12
Achieving safe road traffic — the experience in Japan2016/03/01English12
Investigating the road safety management capacity: Toward a lead agency reform2018/10/01English12
Applying interpretable machine learning to classify tree and utility pole related crash injury types2021/10/01English12
Extremely serious crashes on urban roadway networks: Patterns and trends2020/10/01English11
Developing the logical cross-sectoral framework of local SDGs project targeting safety and sustainability2021/04/01English11
Developing sustainable transport for the next generation: The need for a multi-sector approach2012/03/01English11
Learning from traffic data collected before, during and after a hurricane2012/07/01English11
The possibility of holistic safety education in Japan: From the perspective of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)2014/07/01English11