IATSS Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Safety of children in cars: A review of biomechanical aspects and human body models2015/03/01English11
Mental flexibility impairment in drivers with early Alzheimer's disease: A simulator-based study2013/07/01English11
An analysis of motorcyclists' injury severities in work-zone crashes with unobserved heterogeneity2022/07/01English11
Exclusive motorcycle lanes: A systematic review2022/10/01English11
Traffic calming measures: An evaluation of four low-cost TCMs' effect on driving speed and lateral distance2020/04/01English11
Factors with the greatest influence on drivers' judgment of roundabouts safety. An analysis based on web survey in Italy2018/12/01English11
Investigation of helmet use behavior of motorcyclists and effectiveness of enforcement campaign using CART approach2019/10/01English11
Shared public transport within a physical internet framework: Reviews, conceptualization and expected challenges under COVID-19 pandemic2021/12/01English11
Socio-economic costs of road crashes in middle-income countries: Applying a hybrid approach to Kazakhstan2021/10/01English11
Analyzing Hong Kong's inbound tourism: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic2021/12/01English11
A factor decomposition analysis of transportation energy consumption and related policy implications2015/03/01English11
Safety in public spaces for children's play and learning2015/03/01English11
Developing a chaotic pattern of dynamic Hazmat routing problem2014/03/01English10
Analyzing the response to traffic accidents in Medellín, Colombia, with facility location models2017/04/01English10
Spatial econometric analysis of automobile and motorcycle traffic on Indonesian national roads and its socio-economic determinants: Is it local or beyond city boundaries?2018/07/01English10
A list of accident scenarios for three legs skewed intersections2018/10/01English10
Trip characteristics impact on the frequency of harsh events recorded via smartphone sensors2021/12/01English10
Evaluating the effects of external factors on pedestrian violations at signalized intersections (a case study of Mashhad, Iran)2021/07/01English10
Field operational tests of Smartway in Japan2010/07/01English10
The ideal form of transdisciplinary research as seen from the perspective of sustainability science, considering the future development of IATSS2014/07/01English10
A new, non-canonical Poisson regression model for the prediction of crashes on low-volume rural roads2012/03/01English10
Determinants of long-duration commuting and long-duration commuters' perceptions and attitudes toward commuting time: Evidence from Kunming, China2017/04/01English10
Assessing the effect of inattention-related error and anger in driving on road accidents among Iranian heavy vehicle drivers2021/07/01English10
Using machine leaning techniques for evaluation of motorcycle injury severity2021/10/01English10
The risk of whiplash-induced medical impairment in rear-end impacts for males and females in driver seat compared to front passenger seat2013/07/01English10
Development of E-rickshaw driving cycle (ERDC) based on micro-trip segments using random selection and K-means clustering techniques2021/12/01English10
A close examination of speed limit credibility and compliance on UK roads2020/04/01English10
Evaluation of transportation alternatives for aging population in the era of self-driving vehicles2020/04/01English10
Behavioral factors of motorcyclists in right-turn movements at unsignalized intersections: An insight from Yogyakarta, Indonesia2021/04/01English10
Challenges of localizing sustainable development goals in small cities: Research to action2021/04/01English10