Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Political consequences of social inequality for democracy in Western Europe2010/03/16German41
Assessing politeness of requestive speech acts produced by Japanese learners of English in a spoken corpus2017/12/11German37
Islam als Bedrohung?2016/11/21German35
Inter-local variations in granting social benefits to asylum seekers in Germany. An institutional approach2015/10/01German32
Is capitalism compatible with democracy?2014/07/26English31
Consequences of social inequality for democracy in Western Europe2010/10/19English31
Area studies, comparative area studies, and the study of politics: Context, substance, and methodological challenges2007/10/01English28
Protest, Neo-Liberalism or Anti-Immigrant Sentiment: What Motivates the Voters of the Extreme Right in Western Europe?2008/11/01English27
A drunken guest in Europe?2016/07/26English25
Environmental governance under Bolsonaro: dismantling institutions, curtailing participation, delegitimising opposition2021/06/01English22
Videoscopy and modelling of teacher practice2012/07/27German21
Political marginalization of “Others” in consociational regimes2018/01/05English20
German Worlds of Social Capital2008/11/01German18
What do fragility indices measure?2012/08/02English18
Einleitung: Policies in den deutschen Ländern2018/10/24German18
Legitimation beyond ideology: authoritarian regimes and the construction of missions2017/03/08English17
Theorizing civilian control of the military in emerging democracies: agency, structure and institutional change2011/04/01English16
Patterns of Democracy?2008/11/01English16
Migration als Gefahr für die politische Kultur?2018/01/23German15
Populism and nature—the nature of populism: New perspectives on the relationship between populism, climate change, and nature protection2021/06/01English15
Friend or foe?—comparing party reactions to Fridays for Future in a party system polarised between AfD and Green Party2021/03/11English14
Corruption and citizens’ satisfaction with democracy in Europe: what is the empirical linkage?2013/10/19English14
Asylpolitik im Bundesländervergleich2018/10/08German14
What drives citizens’ evaluation of democratic performance? The interaction of citizens’ democratic knowledge and institutional level of democracy2020/11/20English13
Empirische Deliberationsforschung – eine systematische Übersicht2013/07/01German13
Autoritäre Regime – Ein Überblick über die jüngere Literatur2008/11/01German12
Ursachen der Privatisierung des Maßregelvollzugs in Deutschland. Eine QCA im Bundesländervergleich2016/06/20German11
Die Echokammer-Hypothese: Fragmentierung der Öffentlichkeit und politische Polarisierung durch digitale Medien?2019/08/29German11
“Basically theory-driven”?: A critical analysis of the democracy barometer2012/10/25German11
Competitive authoritarianism in Uganda: the not so hidden hand of the military2015/10/13English11