Computers & Fluids

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Computable turbulence modeling of laminar-turbulent transition characterized boundary layer flows with the aid of artificial neural network2024/05/01English
Lattice boltzmann simulation of power-law fluids flow around a forced-oscillation circular cylinderEnglish
A volume-penalization-based Entropy Conserving flux limiter on reducing near wall stochastic oscillations in wall-bounded flows2024/05/01English
Implicit and multigrid procedures for steady-state computations with upwind algorithms1999/02/01English
Numerical simulation of supercritical shock wave in channel contraction1998/03/01English
Numerical prediction of separation and reattachment of turbulent flow in axisymmetric diffuser1997/05/01English
Wave paths in transient polytropic flow2000/03/01English
A hermitian-fourier numerical method for solving the incompressible navier-stokes equations1995/07/01English
A computer simulation of complex flows of fibre suspensions1995/02/01English
Turbulence model assessment for shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction in transonic and supersonic flows2000/03/01English
Efficient parallelization of a parabolized flow solver1998/11/01English
Quasi-steady friction in transient polytropic flow1997/11/01English
Observations on three-dimensional nonlinear transonic wall-interference assessment and correction using semispan wing data1999/05/01English
Spectral analysis of parabolized stability equations1997/03/01English
Author index1997/11/01English
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave attenuation in nonequilibrium chemically reacting flows1998/02/01English
A novel implicit difference algorithm of primitive variable flow equations with higher-order extra terms1997/02/01English
Flow structure analysis around an oscillating circular cylinder at low KC number: A numerical study1997/01/01English
Complementing computational fluid dynamics methods with classical analytical techniques1999/05/01English
Data-driven approach for modeling Reynolds stress tensor with invariance preservation2024/04/01English
Stream function-vorticity driven cavity solution using p finite elements1997/06/01English
An improvement of AUSM schemes by introducing the pressure-based weight functions1998/03/01English
Reynolds stress transport modelling of shock-induced separated flow1995/03/01English
An adaptive local grid refinement based on the exact peak capture and oscillation free scheme to solve transport equations1995/03/01English
A naturally upwinded conservative procedure for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on non-staggered grids1997/06/01English
Mixed-element-volume MUSCL methods with weak viscosity for steady and unsteady flow calculations2000/01/01English
On the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations using Chebyshev projection schemes with third-order accuracy in time1997/02/01English
A Strang-splitting based unified gas-kinetic scheme for two species plasma in spherical coordinate2023/11/01English
Efficient GPU parallelization of adaptive mesh refinement technique for high-order compressible solver with immersed boundary2023/11/01English
Dispersion analysis of numerical schemes using 2D compressible linearized Navier–Stokes equation for direct numerical simulation2023/10/01English