A robust technique for matching two uncalibrated images through the recovery of the unknown epipolar geometry | 1995/10/01 | English | 374 |
Agent-oriented programming | 1993/03/01 | English | 363 |
A blackboard architecture for control | 1985/07/01 | English | 362 |
Planning in a hierarchy of abstraction spaces | 1974/01/01 | English | 357 |
BabelNet: The automatic construction, evaluation and application of a wide-coverage multilingual semantic network | 2012/12/01 | English | 353 |
Negotiation as a metaphor for distributed problem solving | 1983/01/01 | English | 345 |
Generalization as search | 1982/03/01 | English | 344 |
Intention is choice with commitment | 1990/03/01 | English | 339 |
Applications of circumscription to formalizing common-sense knowledge | 1986/02/01 | English | 339 |
Animate vision | 1991/02/01 | English | 331 |
R1: A rule-based configurer of computer systems | 1982/09/01 | English | 329 |
YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia | 2013/01/01 | English | 326 |
Diagnostic reasoning based on structure and behavior | 1984/12/01 | English | 317 |
Numerical shape from shading and occluding boundaries | 1981/08/01 | English | 315 |
Non-monotonic logic I | 1980/04/01 | English | 311 |
Understanding image intensities | 1977/04/01 | English | 310 |
Hidden semi-Markov models | 2010/02/01 | English | 310 |
Semantical considerations on nonmonotonic logic | 1985/01/01 | English | 298 |
Viewing control structures as patterns of passing messages | 1977/06/01 | English | 294 |
Classifier systems and genetic algorithms | 1989/09/01 | English | 289 |
On seeing things | 1971/01/01 | English | 288 |
Belief, awareness, and limited reasoning | 1987/12/01 | English | 287 |
An analysis of alpha-beta pruning | 1975/01/01 | English | 262 |
Predicting citywide crowd flows using deep spatio-temporal residual networks | 2018/06/01 | English | 258 |
Planning with constraints (MOLGEN: Part 1) | 1981/05/01 | English | 252 |
A theory and methodology of inductive learning | 1983/02/01 | English | 244 |
Knowledge-based artificial neural networks | 1994/10/01 | English | 243 |
Artificial intelligence—A personal view | 1977/08/01 | English | 242 |
Learning and executing generalized robot plans | 1972/01/01 | English | 241 |
The epistemology of a rule-based expert system —a framework for explanation | 1983/05/01 | English | 239 |