Determining optical flow | 1981/08/01 | English | 4,138 |
Explanation in artificial intelligence: Insights from the social sciences | 2019/02/01 | English | 1,172 |
A logic for default reasoning | 1980/04/01 | English | 1,158 |
The structure of ill structured problems | 1973/01/01 | English | 993 |
Strips: A new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving | 1971/12/01 | English | 982 |
The transferable belief model | 1994/04/01 | English | 904 |
A theory of diagnosis from first principles | 1987/04/01 | English | 847 |
SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence | 1987/09/01 | English | 735 |
The knowledge level | 1982/01/01 | English | 699 |
Consistency in networks of relations | 1977/02/01 | English | 646 |
Qualitative process theory | 1984/12/01 | English | 638 |
Circumscription—A form of non-monotonic reasoning | 1980/04/01 | English | 618 |
Rete: A fast algorithm for the many pattern/many object pattern match problem | 1982/09/01 | English | 602 |
Towards a general theory of action and time | 1984/07/01 | English | 599 |
Diagnosing multiple faults | 1987/04/01 | English | 580 |
Connectionist learning procedures | 1989/09/01 | English | 571 |
An assumption-based TMS | 1986/03/01 | English | 536 |
A qualitative physics based on confluences | 1984/12/01 | English | 534 |
A truth maintenance system | 1979/11/01 | English | 527 |
Qualitative simulation | 1986/09/01 | English | 525 |
Modeling visual attention via selective tuning | 1995/10/01 | English | 484 |
Nonmonotonic reasoning, preferential models and cumulative logics | 1990/07/01 | English | 482 |
Three-dimensional object recognition from single two-dimensional images | 1987/03/01 | English | 460 |
Evidential reasoning rule for evidence combination | 2013/12/01 | English | 458 |
Positive approximation: An accelerator for attribute reduction in rough set theory | 2010/06/01 | English | 449 |
The structure-mapping engine: Algorithm and examples | 1989/11/01 | English | 440 |
Depth-first iterative-deepening | 1985/09/01 | English | 428 |
Probabilistic logic | 1986/02/01 | English | 412 |
Temporal constraint networks | 1991/05/01 | English | 407 |
Heuristic classification | 1985/12/01 | English | 405 |