Physical Review E

Title Publication Date Language Citations
External noise in periodically forced Rayleigh-Bénard convection1996/12/01English
Energy exchange dynamics of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation lattice and intrinsic formation of strongly localized states1997/09/01English
Breakdown of a conservation law in incommensurate systems2001/06/11English
Identification of the permeability field of a porous medium from the injection of a passive tracer2000/07/01English
Worm structure in the modified Swift-Hohenberg equation for electroconvection1997/10/01English
Pressure tensor of the hard-disk Lorentz gas1995/05/01English
Kinetics of ballistic annihilation and branching1999/01/01English
Ion acoustic waves in plasmas with collisional electrons1994/12/01English
Non-Boltzmann behavior from the Boltzmann equation1995/05/01English
Electronic excitation of the 750- and 811-nm lines of argon1993/05/01English
Polarization conversion from diffraction gratings made of uniaxial crystals1996/09/01English
Quantum algorithmic integrability: The metaphor of classical polygonal billiards2000/06/01English
Analytic solutions of the time-dependent quasilinear diffusion equation with source and loss terms1993/08/01English
Population inversion due to charge-exchange interaction of plasma jets from plasma focus with residual gas1998/12/01English
Kinetics of multidimensional fragmentation1996/04/01English
Approximate method for gap soliton propagation in nonuniform Bragg gratings1998/12/01English
Quantum dissipation is a dynamical collective effect1995/06/01English
Thermal radiation of a semibounded medium with a transition layer1998/11/01English
Undulations in a confined lamellar system with surface anchoring2001/02/27English
Nonlinear anomalous diffusion equation and fractal dimension: Exact generalized Gaussian solution2002/04/10English
Piezoelectric effects in cholesteric elastomer gels1997/01/01English
Irreversible phase transitions in a surface-reaction model with diffusion- and adsorption-limited reactions1993/08/01English
Time-scale invariance of relaxation processes of density fluctuation in slow neutron scattering in liquid cesium2001/10/18English
‘‘In-plane’’ orientational fluctuations in smectic-Aliquid crystals1993/03/01English
Monte Carlo fixed scale transformation for nonlocal fractal growth models1997/01/01English
Repeated transients of weakly nonlinear traveling-wave convection1993/02/01English
Spiral drift and core properties1999/05/01English
Quantum transport theory based on the equilibrium density projection technique1997/01/01English
Structural characteristics of fractal clusters grown during vapor-solid transformation1997/05/01English
Density distribution of a fluid through a microporous solid: Monte Carlo simulation1994/03/01English