Physical Review E

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Erratum: Soliton growth-signal transduction in topologically quantizedTcells1994/07/01English
Gradient descent learning in and out of equilibrium2001/05/24English
Dynamics of a polyampholyte hooked around an obstacle1997/09/01English
Dynamics of wetting fronts in porous media1998/11/01English
Crossover scaling in two dimensions1997/12/01English
Self-organized critical random Boolean networks2001/04/25English
Symmetry properties in surface growth models1995/06/01English
Structure of spontaneous periodic deformations in hybrid aligned nematic layers2001/01/17English
Thermodynamic functions for Taylor dispersion1993/09/01English
On-ramp simulations and solitary waves of a car-following model2001/08/29English
Comment I on “Generation of focused, nonspherically decaying pulses of electromagnetic radiation”2000/08/01English
High efficiency coupling and guiding of intense femtosecond laser pulses in preformed plasma channels in an elongated gas jet1999/04/01English
Comment II on “Generation of focused, nonspherically decaying pulses of electromagnetic radiation”2000/08/01English
Ordering dynamics of Heisenberg spins with torque: Crossover, spin waves, and defects2000/08/01English
Reply to “Comment on ‘Scaling behavior in explosive fragmentation’ ”2002/04/08English
Experimental microwave radiometry of a sonoluminescing bubble1999/02/01English
Dynamics of low-dimensional dipolar systems1997/10/01English
Erratum: Energy relaxation and the quasiequation of state of a dense two-temperature nonequilibrium plasma [Phys. Rev. E58, 3705 (1998)]2001/05/15English
Stopping power in nonideal and strongly coupled plasmas1996/10/01English
Ballistic annihilation in a one-dimensional fluid1995/06/01English
Dynamical simulation of a quantum harmonic oscillator in a noble-gas bath by density-matrix evolution1994/07/01English
Analytical theory of zone plate efficiency1994/06/01English
Modulated instability in collisional plasmas1993/03/01English
Nonautonomous and nonlinear effects in generalized classical oscillators: A boundedness theorem2000/09/01English
Solitary waves and their critical behavior in a nonlinear nonlocal medium with power-law response1998/05/01English
Turbulent scales smaller than the flame thickness1999/03/01English
Nature of the density–magnetic-field-intensity correlation observed in the solar wind1997/09/01English
Calculation of the output power in self-amplified spontaneous radiation using scaling of power with number of simulation particles1998/10/01English
Model kinetic equation for low-density granular flow1996/07/01English
Large fluctuation of thermodynamic quantities in a coupled Bernoulli map lattice1998/07/01English