Games and Economic Behavior

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Self-referential thinking and equilibrium as states of mind in games: fMRI evidence2005/08/01English118
On Licensing Policies in Bertrand Competition1993/04/01English117
Aggregate comparative statics2013/09/01English117
Numerical Analysis of Asymmetric First Price Auctions1994/09/01English116
Rationality and Bounded Rationality1997/10/01English116
Revisiting log-linear learning: Asynchrony, completeness and payoff-based implementation2012/07/01English115
Shapley Value for Multichoice Cooperative Games, I1993/04/01English115
Asset Markets as an Equilibrium Selection Mechanism: Coordination Failure, Game Form Auctions, and Tacit Communication1993/07/01English114
Which hat to wear? Impact of natural identities on coordination and cooperation2014/03/01English114
Farsightedly stable networks2009/11/01English113
Adaptive Game Playing Using Multiplicative Weights1999/10/01English113
Information feedback in a dynamic tournament2010/11/01English113
Indifference or indecisiveness? Choice-theoretic foundations of incomplete preferences2006/07/01English111
Endogenous price leadership2004/05/01English111
Coordination, “Magic,” and Reinforcement Learning in a Market Entry Game1998/05/01English111
Unawareness and Partitional Information Structures1999/05/01English110
Elections with platform and valence competition2009/09/01English109
Aversion to norm-breaking: A model2008/09/01English109
Regret in the On-Line Decision Problem1999/10/01English109
Collective dynamic consistency in repeated games1989/12/01English108
Difference-Form Contests and the Robustness of All-Pay Auctions2000/01/01English108
Auction Protocols for Decentralized Scheduling2001/04/01English108
Fee versus royalty reconsidered2005/10/01English107
Contests with multiple rounds2005/04/01English107
Lies, damned lies, and political campaigns2007/08/01English106
School choice and information: An experimental study on matching mechanisms2008/09/01English106
Learning by trial and error2009/03/01English106
Cooperation and bounded recall1989/03/01English106
Stated beliefs versus inferred beliefs: A methodological inquiry and experimental test2009/11/01English105
The average tree solution for cycle-free graph games2008/01/01English105