Games and Economic Behavior

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Hidden in plain sight: Payoffs, probability, space, and time in isomorphic tasks2024/05/01English
Bayesian stable states2024/05/01English
Equilibrium information in credence goods2024/05/01English
Best-response dynamics in two-person random games with correlated payoffs2024/05/01English
Information avoidance in school choice2024/05/01English
Efficient matching under general constraints2024/05/01English
Strong core and Pareto-optimality in the multiple partners matching problem under lexicographic preference domains2024/05/01English
Competitive information disclosure in random search markets2023/07/01English
Dominated choices under deferred acceptance mechanism: The effect of admission selectivity2024/03/01English
Unethical decision making and sleep restriction: Experimental evidence2023/09/01English
A planner-optimal matching mechanism and its incentive compatibility in a restricted domain2023/09/01English
Incentive compatibility in sender-receiver stopping games2023/09/01English
Targeting in social networks with anonymized information2023/09/01English
Communication with partially verifiable information: An experiment2023/11/01English
Location games with references2023/11/01English
Polytope-form games and index/degree theories for extensive-form games2023/09/01English
Motives behind cooperation in finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma2023/09/01English
Cheap talk with prior-biased inferences2023/03/01English
Honesty in the city2023/05/01English
Price signaling with salient-thinking consumers2023/03/01English
Identity change and economic mobility: Experimental evidence2024/05/01English
Preventive wars2023/11/01English
Stable matching with multilayer approval preferences: Approvals can be harder than strict preferences2023/11/01English
Student-optimal interdistrict school choice: District-based versus school-based admissions2023/11/01English
Robust equilibria in tournaments2023/11/01English
An alternative equivalent formulation for robust implementation2023/11/01English
Voting with interdependent values: The Condorcet winner2023/11/01English
Evolution and the ultimatum game2023/11/01English
Withholding and damage in Bayesian trade mechanisms2023/11/01English
Coordinated democracy2023/11/01English