
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The NASA Roadmap to Ocean Worlds2019/01/01English169
Microbial Populations in Antarctic Permafrost: Biodiversity, State, Age, and Implication for Astrobiology2007/04/01English169
The Raman Laser Spectrometer for the ExoMars Rover Mission to Mars2017/07/01English168
The First Cell Membranes2002/12/01English168
Aqueous Corrosion of Phosphide Minerals from Iron Meteorites: A Highly Reactive Source of Prebiotic Phosphorus on the Surface of the Early Earth2005/08/01English166
Biosignatures on Mars: What, Where, and How? Implications for the Search for Martian Life2015/11/01English162
Morphological Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars2003/06/01English161
Influence of Ionic Inorganic Solutes on Self-Assembly and Polymerization Processes Related to Early Forms of Life: Implications for a Prebiotic Aqueous Medium2002/06/01English153
Energy, Chemical Disequilibrium, and Geological Constraints on Europa2007/12/01English153
Hydrothermal Systems in Small Ocean Planets2007/12/01English153
Survival of Rock-Colonizing Organisms After 1.5 Years in Outer Space2012/05/01English152
The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Instrument: Characterization of Organic Material in Martian Sediments2017/07/01English150
Spectral Signatures of Photosynthesis. II. Coevolution with Other Stars And The Atmosphere on Extrasolar Worlds2007/02/01English147
Lichens Survive in Space: Results from the 2005 LICHENS Experiment2007/06/01English143
The Ladder of Life Detection2018/11/01English143
Necessary, but Not Sufficient: Raman Identification of Disordered Carbon as a Signature of Ancient Life2003/12/01English141
Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments2017/04/01English140
Raman Imagery: A New Approach to Assess the Geochemical Maturity and Biogenicity of Permineralized Precambrian Fossils2005/06/01English139
Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures Recording an Ancient Ecosystem in theca.3.48 Billion-Year-Old Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia2013/12/01English139
Formation of Amino Acids and Nucleotide Bases in a Titan Atmosphere Simulation Experiment2012/09/01English130
A Thermodynamic Basis for Prebiotic Amino Acid Synthesis and the Nature of the First Genetic Code2009/06/01English129
Effects of a Simulated Martian UV Flux on the Cyanobacterium, Chroococcidiopsis sp. 0292005/04/01English128
Modeling Repeated M Dwarf Flaring at an Earth-like Planet in the Habitable Zone: Atmospheric Effects for an Unmagnetized Planet2019/01/01English128
The “Strong” RNA World Hypothesis: Fifty Years Old2013/04/01English128
Ionizing Radiation and Life2011/07/01English128
The Search for Life on Europa: Limiting Environmental Factors, Potential Habitats, and Earth Analogues2003/12/01English127
Searching for Life on Mars: Selection of Molecular Targets for ESA's Aurora ExoMars Mission2007/08/01English125
Global Biogeochemical Changes at Both Ends of the Proterozoic: Insights from Phosphorites2010/03/01English121
Exoplanet Biosignatures: A Framework for Their Assessment2018/06/01English121
Defining Life2010/12/01English121