
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Perchlorate Radiolysis on Mars and the Origin of Martian Soil Reactivity2013/06/01English97
Mineralogical Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars2001/12/01English97
Toward a List of Molecules as Potential Biosignature Gases for the Search for Life on Exoplanets and Applications to Terrestrial Biochemistry2016/06/01English97
Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs2015/01/01English97
A Sulfur-Based Survival Strategy for Putative Phototrophic Life in the Venusian Atmosphere2004/03/01English95
Habitability on Mars from a Microbial Point of View2013/09/01English95
Hydrogeologic Controls on Episodic H2 Release from Precambrian Fractured Rocks—Energy for Deep Subsurface Life on Earth and Mars2007/12/01English95
Using Biogenic Sulfur Gases as Remotely Detectable Biosignatures on Anoxic Planets2011/06/01English95
A Hydrothermal-Sedimentary Context for the Origin of Life2018/03/01English95
The Simulated Silicification of Bacteria— New Clues to the Modes and Timing of Bacterial Preservation and Implications for the Search for Extraterrestrial Microfossils2002/03/01English94
Drilling Systems for Extraterrestrial Subsurface Exploration2008/06/01English94
Formation, Habitability, and Detection of Extrasolar Moons2014/09/01English94
Cosmic Ray Impact on Extrasolar Earth-Like Planets in Close-in Habitable Zones2005/10/01English94
Earth's Impact Events Through Geologic Time: A List of Recommended Ages for Terrestrial Impact Structures and Deposits2020/01/01English92
Establishment of a Rearing System of the Extremotolerant Tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus: A New Model Animal for Astrobiology2008/06/01English92
The Production of Methane, Hydrogen, and Organic Compounds in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge2015/05/01English91
Spectral Fingerprints of Earth-like Planets Around FGK Stars2013/03/01English91
High-Resolution Simulations of The Final Assembly of Earth-Like Planets. 2. Water Delivery And Planetary Habitability2007/02/01English91
Resistance of Bacterial Endospores to Outer Space for Planetary Protection Purposes—Experiment PROTECT of the EXPOSE-E Mission2012/05/01English91
Exomoon Habitability Constrained by Illumination and Tidal Heating2013/01/01English89
Superhabitable Worlds2014/01/01English88
The Habitability of Proxima Centauri b: Environmental States and Observational Discriminants2018/02/01English88
Reflections on O2as a Biosignature in Exoplanetary Atmospheres2017/10/01English88
Oxygenation, Life, and the Planetary System during Earth's Middle History: An Overview2021/08/01English87
Subfreezing Activity of Microorganisms and the Potential Habitability of Mars' Polar Regions2003/06/01English87
Limits of Life and the Habitability of Mars: The ESA Space Experiment BIOMEX on the ISS2019/02/01English86
The Astrobiology Primer v2.02016/08/01English86
Chemical Evolution of Amphiphiles: Glycerol Monoacyl Derivatives Stabilize Plausible Prebiotic Membranes2009/12/01English85
Science Potential from a Europa Lander2013/08/01English85
On Biogenicity Criteria for Endolithic Microborings on Early Earth And Beyond2007/02/01English85